Chapter 264: Soft Power (1)

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Cherry's switch had been completely turned on, but the exhibition wasn't over yet. There was plenty of time until evening, which could be called the highlight, and, above all, I had to guide after lunch.

Therefore, after lunch time, I asked Cherry for an understanding. My work wasn't done yet, so she should just wander around here and there. After all, she could relax now that her identity had been revealed.

Lastly, I promised to find her after the guidance was over, but Cherry's response was indifferent.

"You won't abandon me, will you?"

"... ... "

"Please promise me that you'll definitely find me."

Why would I abandon you? I dislike it when people I know end their lives by suicide, and if it's because of my actions, I'll carry guilt for the rest of my life.

As time passed, lunchtime ended, and I headed to the meeting place for the guidance in the afternoon. From lunchtime onwards, the guidance would be for Cecily and Arwen.

Of course, unlike the time with Hiriya, I wouldn't just formally guide them, but we would just hang together, chatting and sightseeing, and that would be the end of it.

But that didn't mean I could let my guard down. As I had seen before, Cecily and Arwen were strangely polar opposites. It seemed like they didn't have much issue with each other, but they were subtly checking each other.

Moreover, Cecily's perception of Arwen was not favorable due to the recent incident of the manuscript theft. Especially when recalling the grand confrontation they had in the dormitory.

Despite many points of unease, it remains unchanged that both of them still enjoy Xenon's Biography, so there shouldn't be any trouble.

"You're here?"

"Oh! Come quickly."

As lunchtime ended and I headed to the meeting place on time, as expected, Cecily and Arwen were already waiting.

Cecily was wearing a black dress that partially exposed her chest, just like what I saw earlier. Arwen, on the other hand, was wearing a dress that fully displayed her strengths.

That's the silver dress that particularly emphasizes the hips. Befitting an attire worn by a queen, it wasn't dull at all, with elaborate patterns drawn all over the dress. Even below the hips, the white thighs were clearly visible, accentuating the sexiness. It's a dress that seems to have been chosen to strengthen her pluses.

Cecily focused on the upper body, while Arwen focused on the lower body.

As they unabashedly displayed each other's strengths, it naturally felt majestic. Starting from their races, then their respective image colors, and finally their individual strengths.

How can there be so many differences from one to ten? I felt amazed but tried my best to control my expression to avoid showing it.

Finally, as I approached them, I noticed the escorts guarding each of them.

Naturally, Gartz was guarding Cecily , while surprisingly, a familiar face I knew was standing beside Arwen.

"Oh? Could it be Mr. Keir?"

"It's been a while."

When I arrived in Alvenheim, I met an elf named Keir. Like the last time I saw him, he was a handsome man with typical elven features and a charming smile that left an impression.

He was unforgettable because of the vivid memory of him casually dismissing the immigration officer who had refused Cecily's entry for absurd reasons.

"Wasn't Mr. Keir originally the immigration supervisor?"

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