Chapter 278: I Guess (1)

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Helium's daily life continued unchanged. Isaac continued his writing while enjoying dates with his beloved women, and the rest of the people completed their tasks as well.

However, there was an incident where Anna faced Cecily's parents, urging her to urge Isaac to marry her. Even if she wanted to, all she could do was reprimand her son for being a playboy.

But unbeknownst to Isaac, Cecily is actually the crown princess scheduled to become the future queen of Helium. At first glance, she might seem like an ordinary(?) princess. But considering the future of Helium, her potential is immeasurable.

Before Xenon's Biography, Helium was like a frog in a well, but after its appearance, the situation completely changed. With the power of demons rivaling that of Alvenheim, and the accumulation of scientific and magical abilities built from scratch.

Although the discrimination that had lasted for hundreds of years had not completely disappeared, Helium's potential in diplomacy is so formidable that major powers are all wary of it.

However, as they take their first steps in diplomacy, they face many difficulties due to their inexperience. Descal was still diligently laying the foundation.

In this sense, Cecily, who will ascend to the throne of Helium in the future, is preparing to rise with that foundation as her support. Considering the long lifespan characteristic of her race, it's uncertain when that day will come, but even taking that into account, Cecily's position is one to be looked up to.

Although Isaac is the author of Xenon's Biography, even a scoundrel like him should feel guilty for coveting the princess.

Politically, gaining such a strong ally was indeed reassuring. However, as a mother with a playboy son, Anna felt deeply ashamed. I will have to apologize not only to Cecily, but also to her parents.

Fortunately, Descal and Aisilia could understand that part and even expressed gratitude, saying they were glad they could become family members with a benefactor who saved the demons.

Isaac? Isaac just watched with his golden eyes wide open. He smiled once but then fell silent, sensing Anna's impending scolding.

Nevertheless, the matchmaking ceremony proceeded smoothly without any hiccups, and Isaac continued with his daily life in Helium.

Anna, instead of immediately returning to the mansion, began to wander around Helium, exploring various places she hadn't visited before, accompanied by Cecily, the princess and her second daughter-in-law. She willingly complied with her mother-in-law's request and provided detailed information about Helium's landmarks and specialties.

Knock, knock.

"Isaac? Are you in?"

Cecily, who had returned to the palace after enjoying shopping with her mother-in-law, lightly knocked on the door of the room where Isaac resided. She wanted to chat about what happened today, but also because she often came to him several times a day.

Just seeing Isaac's face made all her worries disappear, and instead, a feeling of excitement bubbled up inside her.

And the purpose of this visit is the latter. Cecily's heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Isaac's face. Just his presence alone warmed her heart, as her love for Isaac had turned blindly obsessive.

The inner evil that the demons could not detach from was completely imperceptible, making her seem like an ordinary human.

Perhaps it was because the recent evil cycle was gradually approaching, or for some other reason, but instead of feeling the inner evil, her desire for him seemed to intensify.

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