Chapter 268: Support Fire (2)

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Before midnight struck, that is, before the exhibition began in earnest, there was a conversation.

"Why did you call me?"

Adelia sat in her seat, looking somewhat deflated compared to her usual confident self. Her sky-blue eyes rolled from side to side, and her broad shoulders, a result of her training, seemed narrower.

It wasn't the same terror she felt when meeting her relatives, including Hiriya, but it was a behavior clearly showing she was cautious. Moreover, sitting stiffly with her fists on her thighs, she appeared somewhat like a rag doll.

"Don't be too tense, unni. Someone might think we're bullying you."

"Yeah. Just relax."

The two women sitting opposite Adelia, Marie and Cecily, spoke in turn. Despite wearing casual clothes before the exhibition began, they still exuded their own charm.

The shining white hair contrasts sharply with the black hair, showing distinct personalities.

Adelia, who thought she fell short in appearance and personality compared to them, naturally felt inferior.

Especially since they are Isaac's lovers, whereas she will enter as either a concubine or a personal maid in the future.

Although she is a bastard child, having lived in the Ters Kingdom, she has keenly observed the ecology of the nobility with her own eyes.

Her biological father, King Friedrich, did not have concubines, so the conflicts were relatively low, but she clearly understood her low status.

Above all, Adelia, who grew up under harsh persecution just because she was a bastard from a past mistake, couldn't help but feel anxious.

"But... Lady and Princess are Isaac's official lovers? His wifes? Anyway, you're in that position, right? But I..."

"Well, does Isaac really care about that? Doesn't he treat everyone fairly?"

"At least he won't discriminate. Isaac is subtly sensitive to people's hearts."

The two women, who understood what Adelia was worried about, comforted her as they exchanged words.

They are women who usually spend time with Isaac and can even see through his mind, revealing their innermost thoughts.

Isaac doesn't care about social status and prefers horizontal relationships over vertical ones.

Going further, he detests the act of pressing someone down with power and hierarchy, as Rina and Leort once did, which ended in their embarrassment.

Fortunately, their relationship has improved. Anyway Isaac always desires an egalitarian relationship.

"Still... I..."

"Ah, forget it. Let's talk about something else, okay?"

Despite Adelia's persistence, Marie brushed it off. As someone who, like Isaac, prefers egalitarian relationships, such conversations were frustrating for her.

Of course, she's aware of her status as a noblewoman. While it's natural for commoners to address her formally, if that person is Isaac's woman, the situation changes. Furthermore, after learning about Adelia's tragic past, Marie hoped she'll find a bit more happiness. Adelia was a rare trustworthy person in the world.

Several other factors also made it possible for Adelia to be accepted as Isaac's woman. Remembering that Marie was the one who first proposed the maid idea gives a rough idea of what she might be thinking.

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World[part2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz