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That night, the whole tour went to a fancy restaurant for dinner. Nick and Charlie got split up somehow in choosing seats—or maybe Charlie had chosen to sit separately so they could stay low-key. Nick wasn't sure how exactly it happened, but somehow, Charlie ended up across the table from him and down a few seats, and next to Ben.

Their food, which they had ordered in advance off a provided menu, was brought to them. To Nick's surprise, Tao had ordered escargots. The plate was put in front of him while everyone around him groaned in disgust. Nick had eaten them before, but they were never his first choice.

"Here we go," Tao said, lifting one on his fork. "We're in France; it had to be done."

"I feel sorry for you and your terrible decisions," Elle told him.

Darcy shook her head, unable to tear her eyes away. "No, don't! Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it."

Tao looked at the snail on his fork, butter dripping from it. Nick did a drumroll on the table, and Tao put the snail in his mouth. "Yes, Tao!"

"Are you okay?" Darcy asked. "Can you breathe?"

Tao was chewing thoughtfully. At last he swallowed. Then he reached for his water glass and downed half of it in a single gulp, or so it seemed.

Nick was served his beef bourgignon and dug in. It tasted amazing. But then across the table he heard Ben's voice, and saw Ben leaning over to speak to Charlie, and the food lost its savour.

"How was your first day in Paris?" Ben asked.

Charlie was toying with his food, looking like he wished he was anywhere but here, and Nick was about to get up and do something about the situation when Imogen spoke up, her voice sharp and cold. "Not interested in how my day was, then?"

Ben stared at her. "Why are you in a mood with me?"

She set down her silverware and leaned across the table. "Because you're supposed to be my boyfriend! But instead, you've got some sort of obsession with Charlie."

The entire table had gone silent and stopped eating, everyone watching Ben and Imogen. And Charlie.

"What are you trying to say?" Ben asked.

"I don't know why you're obsessed with Charlie."

Across the table, Nick met Charlie's eyes. He would have done almost anything to get Charlie out of this situation, but if he moved, it would draw even more attention. Attention Charlie didn't want.

And Imogen was still going, having her say. "And to be honest, I don't even care. All I know is you're a terrible boyfriend, and I deserve better. I'm breaking up with you." The whole room was silent now, but she didn't seem to notice. She waved her hands in Ben's general direction. "Your energy's off! You're not mature, and clearly you have some issues that you need to resolve before you're ready to be in a relationship. And I'm not going to wait around for you! I think it's time I focused on myself."

"If you don't want to be with me anymore, that's fine," Ben told her, "but you don't have to be such a bitch about it."

The room erupted in talk at that, and over it all, Nick could hear Mr. Ajayi's voice. "Benjamin. Language." And Mr. Farouk, telling everyone to pipe down.

Then, of all people, Harry Greene spoke up, frowning down the table at Ben. "There's no need to call her a bitch."

Ben looked across the table, directly at Nick, as though somehow Nick was responsible for this. Seeing no support from any direction, he snapped, "Fine, then." He pushed his chair back, got up, and left the restaurant.

Nick supposed one of the teachers would have to go after him, but he was more concerned about Imogen, who got up and hurried to the bathroom.

Charlie looked at Nick, a question in his eyes. Nick tilted his head toward the bathroom and they both got up. The conversation at the tables seemed mostly supportive of Imogen, which he appreciated. Charlie knocked on the bathroom door and slid it open just a bit, so they could look at Imogen.

"Oh, hey." She tried to smile, but wasn't quite there yet.

"Hey." Nick pulled the door closed behind him and Charlie. "Just wanted to come and check you're okay."

"I think I am. I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have done that in front of everyone."

Charlie said, "Well, I think it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen, so ..."


Imogen laughed a little, but it was clear she was trying hard not to cry. She looked at Charlie. "Did you and Ben ever ..."

Charlie looked down and away.

"It doesn't matter," she assured him, although Nick was pretty sure she'd put two and two together. "He's gone now." She sniffed, and forced a laugh. "Oh, everything would be so much easier if I was into girls."

"I'm not so sure about that," Nick said, "but, um ... I know what you mean."

"Could I maybe have a hug?"

Nick reached for her, holding her close. He was really proud of her, standing up for herself like that—and, although she didn't know it, not officially, for Charlie as well. He held out an arm for Charlie, and they all three hugged.

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