44 | Girls & Fetishes

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"The girls are coming over tonight." I tell my very possessive wife with a false confidence across the room, hoping for the best reaction.

Emphasis on the possessive.

"What?" She looked up from tipping some sort of powder in her shaker. She missed the shaker and it spilled on the bench. She groaned and shook her head, looking at me again. "Say that again?"

"The girls are coming over." I say quickly and move on. "Wipes are under the sink." I says like she didn't know.

She breathed out and turned away to get the wipes under the sink. "The girls. As in?" She asked.

"The girls." I reply, she knew who my friends were.

"So 2 girls are coming over to spend time with my wife?" She looked at me like they weren't friends and already with another person.

I rolled my eyes. "It's actually 3, but-"


"Ellie. Rosa, and she's bringing her friend from school, Bianca." I tell her.

"The fuck is Bianca?" She asked strangely.

"You've seen her, she's the medic with Rosa."

"Oh, right." Rhea crossed her arms. "The one that has a soft spot for blondes, and my wife happens to be very fucking blonde."

What? "Where did you even-"

"Dom warned me." She said. "Smartest thing he's done all his life. They're not coming over tonight." She went back to her things.

"You can't tell me that they can't come. They're my friends, Rhea. They are your friends too, you know. You can have fun with us."

"No thanks." She mumbled.

"Come on..." I begged.

Rhea rolled her eyes. "Ellie and Rosa can come. Bianca can't."

"You don't even know her, Rhea."

"Exactly my point." She says firmly. "Forget it and go back to your TikTok addiction."


I breathed out annoyed. But then I didn't care because they were all coming over whether she liked it or not.

I went back to my phone, scrolling mindlessly on tiktok as I waited for Ryan to wake up for the morning.

I happened to stumble into the section of tik tok that thirsted over my wife, and I became one with them. Watching way too many videos of her, even with her across the room from me in tight gym clothes, spooning oats into her mouth. I had her right here but I couldn't help but watch even more of her.

I followed my favourite one _mamifilms, not even caring that everyone could see I followed them. It's my own wife...

There was one vice I think I watched 5 times on repeats, head stuck in my phone.

"I'm sick of that song." Rhea spoke up. "What are you watching?"

"Nothing." I scrolled past the video, already missing the Million Dollar Baby song. Then I watched the next one probably five times too.

"Florence. Stop playing the same songs so many times. At least play something good." She complained.

She was so frustrating this morning.

I relaxed further into the couch and scrolled down. The sound immediately playing out loud, ratting me out. It was her voice. 'How does it feel being a part of Mami's life?'

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and PossessiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora