47 | Cute & Compensating

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Finn: Any plans for Mother's Day? I need some advice.

Damien: No plans for tomorrow unfortunately I am not a mother.

Jd: I double that.

Finn: What about your own mothers?

Damien: Should probably go see her hey?

Finn: Yes, probably

Dom: Wish I could see Mami on Mami's day 🥰😢

Damien: 🙄🙄

Rhea: Shut up.

Rhea: I actually need advice.

Dom: From us? You're asking for help.

Rhea: Yes.

Damien: What you need help with sis?

Jd: We'll help how we can.

Finn: So everyone has just ignored how I've asked for advice?

Dom: Sorry, dad, I'll help you. Mami first though.

Rhea: What should I get Flo for tomorrow?

Damien: It's 8pm?!

Rhea: And?

Damien: And you don't have anything?

Rhea: Because I don't know what the hell to get her?

Dom: Get her jewellery.

Damien: It is 8pm, you're kinda fucked now.

Jd: Cook her breakfast in bed?

Rhea: She's worth more than breakfast in bed 🙄

Dom: Head and breakfast in bed?

Damien: 🙄

Rhea: Not enough.

Damien: Breakfast in bed after sex, watching her favourite move?

Rhea: I am not fucking my wife with "dancing queen" playing in the back.

Dom: I love Mamma Mia!

Rhea: Shut up.

Dom: Do it at one of the good songs, the one where the young guy hits on the older woman.

Rhea: Of course you'd like that part.

Dom: What does that even mean?

Rhea: That you're fucking creepy.

Dom: Incorrect, but, you know who is creepy? Reggie.

Damien: Who's Reggie?

Dom: The guy Rosa works with.

Finn: So no one is gonna help me?

Dom: Sorry Dad 🥰

Damien: You know who else is creepy? You for calling Finn dad.

Dom: He loves it, don't you dad?

Finn: 🥰🥰


I was currently watching Rhea pace with Ryan asleep in her arms.

"What's going on?" I asked from lying on the couch.

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now