Damon's POV

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No words have ever cut deeper than these spoken by Clarissa. It’s the first time she’s been so clear about her feelings. She’s always given little hints through her actions, but it’s the first time her words have been this clear.

I’ve always been able to control myself, telling myself that I was wrong, that she meant something else. But this time, it was so clear that I couldn’t deny her words.

She doesn’t realize how happy it makes me to know that I’m the one that she wants. She doesn’t realize that I want her too. I’ve wanted her for so fucking long that it physically hurts to be this close to her and not have her in my arms.

I’m tempted to dip my head lower to touch my l!ps to hers. I’m tempted to nip at her earlobe and s.uck on the skin behind her ear. I’m tempted to bite her neck and claim what was rightfully mine since the start.



Why have I always been this possessive over her?

My possessiveness has only grown over the past few days. I was so possessive over her that I would literally kill anyone that touched her inappropriately.

Damn it, I almost killed myself the last time I lost control around her.

Did all Fawns have the same tourcher to deal with?

Atticus was also supposed to love only Anya, but somehow Autumn could gain his heart without even trying. It was the same with me. I was thought only to have eyes for Anya, but somehow Clarissa is all that I can see. She has always been by my side, and she’s someone I trust more than anyone else in this world.

Happiness for me meant having her by my side. Nothing could ever feel as good as having her in my arms, close to me, where I could touch and smell her.

This only meant that I would be miserable after marrying Anya. I would lose the one person that made me happy. But I would do it all again as long as she got to live a normal life.

I couldn’t deny my feelings anymore. It was clear as day that I wanted Clarissa and not Anya. I would always care for Anya, and I would always protect her, but I didn’t want her in the way that I wanted Clarissa. It was different.

But even this fact couldn’t change our faith. It was already too late for us. It was too late the moment my family chose her. I couldn’t let her see how affected I was by her words. I couldn’t let her think that she’d won.

If she knew that she was breaking down the walls I’d put up to keep her safe; she would keep pushing. I knew Clarissa; she never stopped fighting unless she felt there was nothing left to fight for.

“I’m sorry, Clarissa.” I apologize even though I knew it would only annoy her.

She hates when I apologize to her, and maybe that’s partly why I always do it. I don’t want to bring her closer to me; I want to push her away.

“You should get some rest. You’ve had a long day.”

“This isn’t over.” She threatens me.

I turned away from her, ready to leave, before I made another big mistake.

“If you can marry someone you don’t want, I could do the same.” She threatens me.

I pause midway.

Marry someone she didn’t want to marry? To get back at me? Was that some sick twisted revenge?

What the fuck?

Suddenly, my feet can’t move, not even an inch forward. I’m stuck on the ground, shocked by her threat. I never once thought about it. If I married Anya, that meant Clarissa would also, one day, marry. Someone else. Someone that wasn’t me.

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