23. Color Commentary

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"C'mon Liv! Can't you give me anything? Just a couple details?," Jessie pleaded. I had always told her everything, she pretty much got the play by play with my past exes.

"I'm not telling you about my sex life!," I said a little too loud considering we were in the middle of a restaurant.

"You've never held back before, even when I wished you had. You're like the color commentator of cock." I choked on my water and at her alliteration and she laughed as I tried to regain my breath.

"I know, but this is different. Things with him just feel different," I tried to explain, careful not to use Harry's name in public, just to be safe.

"Ew. What does that mean?," Jessie said with a look of disgust.

"Not like that! I mean our relationship feels different in every way. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced," I paused, realizing I had never really vocalized the way I felt before. "He makes me feel safe. I feel uninhibited. It's like-" again I paused, this time not knowing how to put the feelings into words. "It's like he's the color in my otherwise grey world."

Jessie just stared at me, not saying a word. Her expression gave me no clues as to what was on her mind. Having known her for more than ten years, I knew she either thought I was crazy, or was coming up with the perfect thing to say.

"Olivia," she started. When she used my full given name it always indicated something of importance was to follow. "As your best friend, I should remind you that you've only known him for a couple weeks. I should also remind you that there are a lot of challenges and bullshit to deal with if you seriously date him, most of which you probably can't even imagine." I sighed heavily at her reminders. "But as your best friend, I also have to tell you that I've never see you like this. I've never seen you talk about someone like this. I've never seen a chemistry like there is between you two, and most importantly, I've never seen you refuse to give me the filthy details of your sexcapades." I was smiling through her words and chuckled at her remark. "I'm glad you're happy."

Everything she has said was true. Tomorrow would mark two weeks since I had woken up to see Harry's green eyes staring at me for the first time. We spent the first half of that time barely apart, and barely clothed. This past week we had to detach ourselves from one another a bit more. Harry had more studio sessions, a photo shoot, a couple interviews, the Billboard Music Awards, and some other appointments. I had been occupying my time with pattern drafting in my design studio and combing the LA fashion district for the right fabrics and trim.

I had tagged along on another trip to the studio, and the paparazzi had gotten a shot of us leaving. The quiet of the fans and media that had died down went into a full roar after that. Apparently pictured once with a member of One Direction, it's dating rumors; pictured twice and you're a confirmed couple. There was a swirl of online articles, blurbs on TV gossip shows, and a few pictures in magazines. I was amazed that a string of pictures taken in a 45 second time span could be woven into a piece of journalism. Every look between Harry and I, our body language, and our gestures were analyzed to prove we were a couple. It was madness.

It seemed best to avoid any more outings together as of right now. That's how we had ended up at this point- five days since we had seen each other. We texted and talked throughout the day, but after long days at work and early mornings back to do the same for each of us, it just didn't make sense to stay the night together. I think we both knew that would mean very little sleep for both of us. Despite our physical distance, we had still managed to grow closer.

We texted to inquire about the other's day, we flirted and teased back and forth endlessly, and we talked on the phone until one of us fell asleep. Each night was like that first night, when Harry talked to me on his couch and I fell asleep to the soothing sound of his voice.

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