68. Ginger

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"Jesus fucking Christ!," I yelled out as I watched my gate close in the rearview mirror.

Harry had warned me paparazzi were waiting at my house, but it still didn't prepare me for the cluster fuck I just drove through. There were five cars parked alongside the street and they were waiting like vultures. As soon as my car rounded the corner a few, who had done their research and knew my car, jumped out to ready themselves for a shot. The rest of them hurried to do the same as soon as I pressed the clicker to open my gate. I was blinded by flashes in the middle of the day and I could hear their bags and bodies clatter against the side of my car as I struggled to get through the gate and up my driveway. I ignored their shouting and just focused on not plowing over any of them in my car as I inched through the gate. They were smart enough not to step foot on the other side of the security gate, or you'd bet I'd charge them with trespassing.

I had planned to hang out at home, shower, and relax while Harry was out golfing with friends. Then he was going to pick me up so I could stay at his place tonight. Now, with the chaos at my house, it just wasn't a good idea for Harry to come by. Instead, I hurried to pack what I'd need for the concert in Santa Clara tomorrow and enough clothes to get me through the weekend. Harry wasn't happy I was going home by myself, but he knew better than to drop me off. I was hoping the paparazzi would take a break and leave since they'd just seen me arrive and it wouldn't be likely I would be leaving again straight away. They had been there all morning, I assumed. I had already texted Jessie earlier to see if she could give me a ride to Harry's.

After about 20 minutes Jessie buzzed at the gate and assured me the coast was clear. I hopped in the passenger seat with my bag on my lap and we headed back down the drive. I practically cheered when the gate opened again and not a single paparazzi was there. We were still cautious and went the opposite direction down the street. It was the long way, but it meant they wouldn't catch me at the bottom of the hill at the main drag.

"So how bad was it?," Jessie asked in regards to the paparazzi.

"Pretty bad. They rushed the damn car. I don't know how celebs don't just mow them over," I said joking, but a little serious.

"Well we knew this would happen eventually. I guess now is as good a time as any," she shrugged, still staring at the road. "Have you talked to Rhi today?," Jessie asked, changing the subject.

"Nope," I said making my feelings about Rhiannon's bullshit yesterday obvious.

"Well, all this certainly isn't going to help the situation." Jess said with a sigh.

"What do you mean? What was her deal?"

"She's jealous of you Liv. She didn't come right out and say it, but it was obvious. She was going on about how you get everything. The career you want, famous friends, and to quote her, 'fucking Harry Styles sweeps you off your feet.'"

"But I worked for my career, and she's one of my friends too, that's bullshit. And meeting Harry was luck, but it's no reason for her to be a bitch." I went off, not that I needed to explain any of this to Jessie.

"I know. We basically told her that. She's just so miserable that she can't stand to see you happy," Jessie said while turning onto Santa Monica Boulevard.

"That explains why she was doing everything she could to try and make me look bad." Just talking about it was pissing me off again.

"Yeah, we told her to knock it off and lighten up. She seemed to finally be having a good time, but I think that was just because she felt special in the VIP seating area," Jessie rolled her eyes. "She's a soulless ginger Liv. Never trust a ginger," she joked to try and add some humor to the situation.

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