35. Jet Black and All White

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I showered and changed into a black and white striped shift dress paired with the same black leggings from before. I threw on a long silver chain with a rhinestone skull and crossbones pendant that was a gift from Jessie for my birthday last year. I made an attempt to do my hair and makeup, not wanting to meet Gemma's friends looking like a slob. I chose simple black ballet flats because I knew I'd be walking a bit and I also didn't want to deal with heels in case I had one too many margaritas at lunch with Gemma.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come shop with you?," Harry asked as he pulled up to the curb in front a shop he said Anne liked.

"No babe, it's fine. Spend time with your family."

"And you've got a way home?," Harry questioned.

"Yes dad," I teased.

"Ew, please don't." Harry frowned in disgust and I laughed.

"Not like that! And Gemma said we'll get dropped off by her friend. Don't worry about me, it's just a couple of hours. I think I'll manage," I chuckled.

"I know. I know. I'll see you later. Love you babe." Harry squeezed my thigh and I rubbed the cross tattoo on his hand.

"I love you too." I pursed my lips and threw him an air kiss before getting out of the car.

Once inside the shop I looked at a few things near the window. There was a pretty scarf and an intricate frame that I picked up to admire, but my interest was really on Harry's car. I watched as it drove out of sight and waited a few more minutes to be sure he was gone. I checked the time on my phone and cursed under my breath. Thank god I wore my ballet flats.

I exited the shop and hurried down the sidewalk, thankfully in the opposite direction as Harry. If I walked any faster I would've been jogging. With just 4 minutes to spare I made it to my destination. I let out a sigh and pulled open the door.

The bell chimed and it drew everyone's attention to me at the door. I probably was flushed from my speed walking, but that was the last thing on my mind.

"Olivia?," the guy behind the desk asked.

"Uh huh," I said nodding my head and making my way towards him.

"C'mon back. Brent's been expecting you. You've got a private room." I followed him back, realizing I never got his name but he knew mine. He popped his head through the doorway of a room in the back. "Brent, Olivia's here for you."

"Thanks," I smiled at the stranger and made my way into the room. He closed the door behind him.

"Liv! It's so good to see you," Brent said as he stood from his chair. He looked nearly the same as I remembered him, though the tattoo on his neck was new. He was tall and lean, like Harry with a more concentrated scattering of tattoos. His hair was jet black and styled in a quiff, one of my favorite hairstyles on a guy. Perhaps because I always had a thing for Johnny Depp in Cry Baby. Brent smiled and outstretched his arms to me.

"Good to see you too!," I said into his chest as I hugged him. I realized now he was definitely taller than Harry because of how differently or bodies aligned this closely.

"I never expected to get a call from you last week, but it was a nice surprise," he said as he released our embrace and looked down at me. "I got your text this morning too, see you had a change of heart?"

"Yeah, when I learned I was coming out here I knew I had to give you a call. I hope what I sent this morning is okay? Sorry it was so last minute, but I changed my mind last night." I smiled as I took a step back so I didn't have to tilt my head back so far to look at him.

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