60. Mellow Yellow

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"Liv!," Becca yelled as she came closer with her arms outstretched for a hug. "I've missed you. Now the party can really get started." Becca had clearly started partying well before I got to the bar. "Let me buy you a drink," she offered.

"Good to see you too Becca," I said as I gave into her hug. Typical drunk Becca was being affectionate. "You don't have to buy me a drink. I'll get my own."

"Fuck that. I'm buying a round of shots, my choice," she cheered and flagged down the bartender.

A large shot that smelled like pineapple and looked like poison that had gone bad appeared in front of me, as well as the rest of the girls. Jessie, Rhiannon, Claire and even Stacy came out this time. She brought her husband Mark, but we let him crash our ladies' night if it meant she actually came to one.

"Wooo!," Stacy boomed as she downed her shot and slammed her empty glass on the bar.

"Are we getting old Stacy back tonight?," I asked with a raise of my eyebrows and shrug of my shoulders.

"I'm just enjoying a few drinks. You make it sound like I was some raging party girl or something," Stacy said.

"Um, you were Stace," Rhiannon said with her brows pulled in.

"I wasn't that crazy guys," she defended with a laugh.

"You got your stomach pumped," I chimed in.

"You lost your underwear on two separate Vegas trips," Jessie added."And you passed out in the wrong house that one time after–,"

"Okay guys, you've made your point!," Stacy interrupted. Mark didn't really know the extent of her past antics, but he just chuckled and sipped his beer unfazed.

The rest of us laughed and drank our shots with a grimace. We were out to celebrate marriage equality. Today the United States ruled that same sex marriage was legal and I was overjoyed. It had pretty much been a nonstop love fest in Hollywood all day. It was a much needed night out, and not just because of the long overdue decision.

I had been anxious all week and this was just what I needed to calm my mind. I had done my best to stay busy with distractions this past week, just as Claire had suggested. Harry and I still talked and texted often though. He only had three shows total that week, so on his days off we would FaceTime or Skype. I missed him, but I managed.

There was one thing I wasn't distracted from, and that was how I was feeling. I had been hungry, no– starving. I wanted to eat everything in sight. I felt exhausted, tired, and my boobs were tender and sore. I had bawled when I heard the news that America would finally have equal marriage rights, and I told myself it was tears of joy and nothing hormonal. I tried to tell myself it was all just PMS, but that little voice in the back of my head kept whispering that it was more. That I was pregnant.

Harry had asked how I was feeling and I had told him I was fine, nothing to report. I just didn't want to get his hopes up for nothing. I probably should've been honest about the symptoms I was having, but he was going to be home in another week. I wanted that to be a happy occasion, not soured if it turned out I wasn't pregnant. If I was, we could celebrate.

So when a night out with the girls, (and Mark) came up, I agreed. Even if I was pregnant, a few drinks wouldn't hurt. At this stage I wouldn't be pregnant enough for it to affect anything, it was just an newly implanted embryo. I figured I needed to get in one last night of drinks with everyone because as soon as I refused booze they would know I was pregnant.

The one shot from Becca turned into a few whiskeys and some delicious rum drink that I declared my love to. Feeling stress free and happy, I was having a great night.

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