Chapter 14: The Perfect Opportunity

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Musso's POV

"Do you need anything Chosen One?" One of the immortal's servants spoke to me.

"Nothing." I looked out of the window of the immortals castle in The Arena.

"What's the matter?" The servant tried to speak to me.

"Nothing." I spoke in a harsh tone. "None of your concern."

Then Fate rushed in. "Musso get up."

"What is it?" I asked unenthusiastically.

"The first wave of fighters from the Spirits here." Fate pulled me up.

"I get it. I need to get out of here." I rolled my eyes.

"No. I need you to fight." Fate spoke.

"That's different." I raised my eyebrows. "Thought you immortals were too scared to let you little precious Chosen One in battle in fear that he'd get hurt or die."

"I wouldn't have but they blocked all exits and used dark magic to make it impossible to teleport or portal out." Fate rushed.

"Always the same. I've never been treated as a being. I've always been this thing of high value. Something my superiors were always afraid to lose." I rolled my eyes.

"You are the highest here." Fate hissed.

"It doesn't seem like it." I spoke in a harsh tone.

"Why are you complaining. Tons of us would like to be in your position. We all wanted to be The Chosen One."

"I beg to differ." I stuck up my nose.

"Please don't be like this Musso. We are on your side. All we want is what it best for you. We are trying to keep you safe. We are trying to keep the universe safe. Please work with us and you'll see in the end that everything I going to be fine." Fate turned back to me.

I just stood there in silence.

"Let's just get out of here." Fate turned away.

We rushed out of the room into and open space around

"Now we fight. Try to stay near me." Fate spoke to me.

"The Chosen One!" I heard a dark blue scaly creature to my right hiss.

I blasted him away with light magic.

Then I was hit from behind by large wave of dark magic.

I looked around for Fate but we were separated.

I turned to see a tall thin man in shaggy white robes. I could sense he was powerful.

"I knew you'd be here." He grinned. "I finally get to fight you."

Then he sent a massive wave of twisted beam of light magic at me.

I jumped out of the way just in time, nothing bothering what or who that hit.

He kept sending various waves of light magic and I kept jumping out of the way.

"Afraid to go on the offensive, are we?" The man laughed.

That is when I sent a huge wave of light magic at him.

I watched the area clear up from dust after my attack and I saw him gone.

Did I beat him?

That was when I heard a boom behind me.

I turned around just in time to block a beam of light magic him from above.

That was when he grabbed me and began to teleport with me somewhere when I blasted a large wave of light magic right into his chest.

There was a large explosion and I was knocked back.

I opened my eyes to darkness.

I could also feel it was much colder than it was.

I stood up.

I was in The Cave. I don't know where but I was in it.

The walls were moist and it was completely silent.

I began to slowly walk down to The Cave.

I felt more at ease than I was before.

Maybe it was good that I was finally alone.

Finally there was no one around me that expected things from me.

I was free.

There was still one thing missing. Midnight.

I looked at my phone and pulled up a picture of her.

It's been 2 weeks.

And still no sign of her.

My hopes of finding her were dwindling.

But now is the perfect opportunity to find her.

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