Chapter 5: Lurking In The Darkness

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Midnight's POV

"Why do you need to talk to me?" I asked as we walked away from the others.

"How did you stop the wave of dark magic?" Zen questioned.

"That was dark magic?" My voice wavered, confused. I thought it was just energy. It felt like my energy. It felt like my ki. Not magic.

"Yes. Dark magic is the most powerful force in the universe. I don't understand how you could stop it." Zen spoke.

"I have no idea what I did." I spoke. "I was just trying to live. It's what I'm good at as you can tell. I'm the last female saiyan for a reason."

"There may be more than that." Zen flipped over my wrist.

There on my wrist was the scar, shaped like the crescent of the moon.

"Shit." Zen hissed quietly. "It can't be true."

"What?" I asked.

"You. You're The Shadow Warrior." His eyes widened in fear. "You cannot let anyone know. Not even your friends. Not even me. If anyone knows, they will try to kill or torture you. If anyone else was The Shadow Warrior I would have done the same, but you aren't evil. At least not yet. You're not the monster we feared would be The Shadow Warrior."

"Why? What's so bad about it?" I asked quietly.

"The legend." Zen's voiced wavered. "You're one of the forces we are supposed to go to war with. And we are supposed to stop you, or The Shadow Warrior."

I looked at him confused. "Could the legend be wrong?"

"The Shadow Warrior the darkest, most powerful force in the universe. The legend has it The Shadow Warrior will try to take over the universe and The Light Fighter and The Chosen One along with many others will try to stop the darkness from taking over." Zen replied.

He paused for a moment. "If you want to live, don't tell anyone. Don't do anything actually. If anyone know The Shadow Warrior is currently alive, the universe will erupt in chaos because many of the immortals will do anything to find you to get you on their side or destroy you."

"I don't want to be a sitting duck." I argued. "Bring me to someone that will train me to protect myself. I don't care who. Just give me chance to fend for myself."

Zen paused for a moment, thinking. "You can train with Rey and Musso I guess. But I will have to teach you dark magic on a different time."

"I guess that works." I shrugged. "I don't want to wait for someone to find out who I am."

"You have to promise me you will never become the evil villain, the evil monster, that the legend says you are." Zen spoke. "And then I will try to convince the rest of the universe you are actually good. Not a villain."

"I'm a saiyan. If I was going to be some evil crazy villain I would have already." I smirked.

"You just never know." Zen sighed.

We stood in The Cave for quite a bit. He told me how there are 12 universes all connected by this cave. He spoke of this cave being huge, with the majority of immortals living in it. It was almost as big the universes themselves. He also told me about other places such as The Other World, which contains heaven and hell for the mortals when they die. He told me The Arena, the place we first met, is a training ground for many immortals. I learned there are many immortals. They need at least a power level of 1 trillion to be able a full immortal, or else they are a semi-immortal, who cannot die of age but can die in battle or poison. There were millions of immortals out there.

While standing in The Cave, I heard a growl from behind us.

"Who is there?" Zen growled.

"How could you not recognize me Zen?" The voice hissed.

"Ryi." Zen growled.

"Who is Ryi?" I asked.

"You seemed to be giving a lesson on immortals here. How could you not tell her about us?" Ryi spoke. "There are 5 of us- Zen, Gem, Sci, Des, and myself. We look after the immortals aas well as keep balance between the mortal and immortal realms."

"Who looks after the mortals then?" I asked.

"The kais." Ryi rolled his eyes. "They have been doing a shitty job recently."

"I thought I was going to have to intervene and destroy that creature Buu." Zen spoke.

"I wasn't." Ryi laughed. "The kais and mortals should learn to deal with their own problems."

"And it looks like they did." Zen nodded.

"And I have something even more of importance to tell you though. Alone." Ryi spoke.

"Just tell me here." Zen argued.

"Fine. She probably won't know anyways." Ryi rolled his eyes. "I believe all of the three are alive."

"I know." Zen nodded.

"What?" Ryi asked in a puzzled tone. "What do you know?"

"I know 2 of them." Zen nodded.

"How?" Ryi talked quietly. "Who are they?"

"Why should I tell you?" Zen growled.

"Because the universe is about to go to war. I will eventually figure it out." Ryi argued.

"Well, Gem knows about one already." Zen spoke. "I'm training them."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ryi argued.

"I just found out. The Chosen One is a saiyan named Musso." Zen paused. "And The Shadow Warrior is with me."

Without a blink of an eye, Ryi lunged at me.

"No! Stop!" Zen got between us. "She isn't some evil monster the legend says she is."

"That's exactly who she is. Or at least what she will become." Ryi hissed.

"Just give her a chance to prove that she can actually do good. We had it drilled in our brains how the legend will unfold. However, maybe it is different than we think. I would have never guessed The Shadow Warrior would be a saiyan or a girl." Zen pleaded.

"Fine. We will have to see about that. You have one chance." Ryi growled at me. "One chance not to mess things up or I will get you."

I stood my ground. "That's all I need."

"I told you Midnight." Zen began. "Getting people to trust you will be hard. It was drilled in all of our brains that you are the purest form of darkness and evil."

I nodded. "I believe that now."

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