Chapter 15: The Dark And The Light

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Midnight's POV

I walked into a strange part of The Cave.

It was quiet except water dripping from the ceiling and dark. And for the first time I felt like the darkness was welcoming me.

Normally I would be cautious. Usually I would be on high alert. But I am The Shadow Warrior. I am meant to be the strongest in the universe according to legend. What is there to fear?

I heard faint breathing to my right.

I crouched and looked into an archway.

There sat a young man in a shiny white robe starring off into space.

"I know you're there." He spoke.

Was he talking about me?

How could he sense me? I'm stealthy and due to the dark magic that takes presence in me I don't have a distinctive power level.

I stepped out into the open boldly. I was The Shadow Warrior. I needed to learn to be more bold and brave,

"What brings you here?" He spoke.

"I was lost." I spoke.

"Do you need help getting back?" He sat up and his eyes glimmered as if he wanted to help me.

"I don't need help. I can handle on my own." I sat next to him.

"Well you're quite a firecracker." He lightened up. "I'm Kade by the way."

"I'm Midnight. Nice to meet you." I nodded.

He put his hand out to shake mine.

That was when I saw it.

A scar. On his wrist. Shaped like the sun.

That only meant one thing. I cleared my throat.

"Nice scar." I smirked as I pointed at his wrist.

Pure horror shot over his face.

"What scar? That's just some dirt." Kade spoke in a rushed tone.

"I know important for the three to keep their identity a secret till they are strong enough to defeat The Spirits." I explained.

"Wait, how do you know this?" Kade slid away again. "What have the immortals told you, you're not a high ranking official here to capture me, are you?"

"No, I'm not after you." I laughed.

Kade was about to open his mouth when I cut him off.

"And I am also one of the three." I looked away.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw his jaw drop.

"But let me say this first, the legend is wrong." I began.

"What do you mean?" Kade questioned.

"You didn't expect a girl to be part of the three, did you?" I chuckled.

"Not really." Kade spoke quietly. "No offense."

"But there is more to it. The legend of the three existing is right. But the part where good and bad are suppose to fight is wrong. The Spirits are the real enemy." I spoke.

"I was told all my life the real enemy is The Shadow Warrior because they wanted to plunge the universe into darkness to rule it and The Spirits just helped create the universe and now they look after it." Kade spoke, confused.

"That's where I am saying it is wrong. The Shadow Warrior doesn't want to take over the universe. The Spirits want to take over the universe." I spoke.

"How do you know that?" Kade questioned.

"Because I am The Shadow Warrior." I looked at the ground.

Kade looked at me in shock.

"Please understand, I am not bad. Nor I am not evil. I never wanted to be this. I just wanted a simple life." I pleaded.

Kade began to walk away.

"Please listen to me, no one ever has." I pleaded.

"Nah I'm just kidding I believe you we're good." Kade chuckled coming back towards me.

"What?" I was confused. How could he believe me if he barely knew me?

"What do you mean?" Kade looked in my eyes.

"I just thought you wouldn't believe me. No one does." I looked at the ground.

"If you were really bad you would've already killed me. I wouldn't have a chance, you knew who I was, and I didn't." Kade explained.

"Thanks?" I chuckled.

"It's cool." Kade smiled. "I finally get to talk to someone that understands that I'm not some legendary being. I have feelings and emotions too."

"Everyone just assumes I'm some evil beast. The baddest of the bad." I laughed.

"These group of immortals called The Cloud took me in when I was a baby and trained me just think I'm this savior that will bring an end to this war between good and bad, light and dark." Kade spoke. "I'm more than that. I'm someone too. But they don't care about me. They care about the legend I will become. They don't understand. No one does. Except you."

"Wait then why are you here?" I asked.

"The immortals I was with were attacked by some beings in shiny cloaks. And just now I realize they were The Spirits. They must have been after me. I luckily escaped." Kade spoke.

Silence fell between us.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I thought my whole life that I was meant to defeat The Shadow Warrior. I was taught that it was my mission to defeat the darkness and bring peace to the universe. I was trained to defeat you. But now I know The Spirits are the real enemy. They want control of the universe again. And the three are the only ones that stand in the way that pose a threat." Kade spoke.

"Exactly." I agreed.

"Now I know this legend the immortals drilled into their brains is bogus. The Spirits are the real enemy." Kade nodded.

Then I heard footsteps enter the room.

"Who's there?" Kade called.

The figure quickly fell back into the shadows.

"We aren't here to hurt you." I spoke into the darkness.

The figure walked out into the open.

"Midnight?" It was Musso.

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