Chapter 30: Questions

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Musso's POV

"So tell me, what do you know about The Shadow Warrior?" Alex asked, sitting in his chair at our base.

"What do you want to know?" I asked. "Like the legend or about her?"

"What do you mean about her? Like you actually knew The Shadow Warrior?" Sarah questioned.

"Well, you could say that." My voice wavered.

"Did she hurt you?" Sarah asked.

"In a way." I looked down.

"I thought she wasn't evil!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Well, The Shadow Warrior would naturally want The Chosen One out of her way." Alex explained.

"It was my fault. We had a little falling out, and I ruined everything." I bit my lip.

"Wait, I'm confused, just tell us everything you know." Alex spoke.

"Alright, but it's a long story, just for a warning." I warned.

"We are willing to listen." Ace spoke.

"Midnight was born to 2 rogue saiyans on the saiyan planet Terra. She was abandoned at birth but was taken in by her master Amias. She spent the first few years on Terra, with Amias training her to be the perfect fighter after he realized how talented she was. However, he was barely around. He was often sent on missions across the universe so she was alone or taking care of her neighbor Maryann most of the time. She had to grow up fast in order to make it in our planet that was always at war. When she was 4, she was entered in our world fighting tournament to save our planet. We both made the finals, but our masters decided not to let us fight because we were only fighting to save our planet. However, the immortals got suspicious of us and attacked not too long after. In the chaos, we somehow found each other and our other friend Rey and we made an alliance. While trying to figure out what to do with ourselves, we became best friends. Then we chose to settle on Earth. We had a nice life there until we accidently fell in The Arena, where I learned I was The Chosen One. I didn't know she was The Shadow Warrior till a little later. We also found The Light Fighter, Kade. We all worked and trained together to try to save the universe from The Spirits. And we also kinda became a thing." I trailed off.

"You were in a relationship with The Shadow Warrior?" Sarah's eyes widened.

"Well, yeah. We always kind of always liked each other. But it was all just a bit much for Midnight. It didn't help that I was poisoned which made me like this other girl. She lost all of her trust in me. She forgave me, but told me she didn't know if we could ever be what we once were. Shortly after, The Spirits attacked us. Midnight decided to take them on by herself to try to save all of us. We all tried to help her, but it was too late." I spoke, trying to keep a straight face.

"Wow. That is really interesting. I'm sorry." Sarah spoke softly.

"It's alright." I responded.

"We have been searching for information about the 3 for millions of years, and we would have never guessed anything like that happening." Alex spoke.

"The legend is wrong in many ways. I suck compared to The Chosen One the legend tells." I chuckled.

"So how are we going to find her?" Alex asked.

"If she doesn't want to be found, we won't find her. She's too good at flying under the radar." I spoke.

"So what are we going to do?" Sarah asked.

"We have to wait till she wants to make an appearance. And we must be the first to get to her when she does." I spoke. "Or predict her movements and get there before she does."

"Can't you just make a public service announcement for her to find you?" Alex asked.

"No." I shook my head. "We can't find her and she sure as hell won't come to me. She would have already done so if she wanted to see me."

"She likes her solitude." Ace chimed in.

"Yes." I nodded. "She has always been free and independent."

"What does she look like?" Sarah asked.

"That's such a girl question to ask." Alex laughed.

"She had blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a beautiful face. She was pretty slim too, and she wasn't tall but wasn't short either." I pulled out a picture from my pocket. "Here is a picture."

"She's pretty." Alex spoke, trying to analyze the picture.

"She kinda looks like that girl we talked to in the bar." Sarah spoke from across the room.

"The girl we talked to in the bar looked like she was about to blow up something, the girl here looks too young and innocent." Alex spoke.

"I can see it too." Ace spoke.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"There was this girl that sat next to us in the bar who kinda looked like her. But this girl looked more serious." Ace explained.

"What happened?" I asked.

"A girl in all black came up to us and asked to sit next to us in the bar. We talked to her for a bit. She said she wasn't on any side. She said she would much rather die than to not be free." Alex spoke.

That sounds like something Midnight would say.

"What's wrong?" Ace asked me.

"Nothing." I responded. "That just sounds like something Midnight would say."

"So what you are saying-" Sarah spoke but was interrupted.

"Midnight must be alive." I confirmed.

"And we just spoke to her not too long ago." Alex added.

"So The Shadow Warrior lives on." Ace sat back in his seat.

"But the question is, how? And what is she planning?" Alex asked.

I wasn't sure how to feel. Relived Midnight was alive or sad that she didn't return back to the people she loved.

Whatever it is, I need to find out. 

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