Chapter 29: United

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Ace's POV

"What?" Alex's eyes widened.

"Really?" Sarah asked.

"The Shadow Warrior was once this saiyan named Midnight. Surprisingly, she wasn't bad. She was an incredibly talented fighter who had a ton of potential. It was the shame The Spirits got to her before she was able to train long enough to get strong enough to beat them. Still, she put up one hell of a fight." Gem spoke.

"She was a saiyan? Aren't they almost extinct?" Alex asked.

"Yes. She was the last female saiyan too." Gem answered.

"How old was she?" I asked.

"She was trained her whole life, and she was 11 when she died." Gem spoke.

"That's so young!" Sarah exclaimed.

"How strong was she?" Alex asked.

"She was already becoming strongest in the universe at that point." Gem spoke.

"Why couldn't she defeat The Spirits then?" Sarah asked.

"Just cause she was the strongest in the universe doesn't mean she can take on 12 opponents that aren't too far behind her." Gem spoke. "She could have easily beat any of us easily. I've only seen her fight a few times, but no one looked like more a natural than her."

"Ace, could that blonde girl from your dreams be her?" Sarah asked.

"I believe so. It makes sense." I nodded.

Midnight. The name of The Shadow Warrior. I could vision her from my dream again. There she stood, a slim figure with long blonde hair and blazing blue eyes. The way she stood you could just tell she was powerful. She made defeating an entire army of immortals look easy.

"You had a vision of Midnight?" Gem looked at me.

I gave him a weird look. Could he read my mind?

"Yes, I can read minds." Gem responded.

"It was just a dream." I shook it off.

"Sounds more like a vision." Gem spoke.

"Really?" I was confused.

Then Gem put his hand on my shoulder and closed his eyes. I stood still in shock.

"Interesting. It could mean something." Gem spoke.

"Like what?" I questioned.

"The Shadow Warrior might be alive, if your dream is accurate." Gem answered.

"Are you sure?" I wavered.

"No." Gem turned away. "But it is surely something we should be concerned with."


We sat in a dark crowded bar in The Cave. Immortals were everywhere, eating, getting drunk, and gambling. You think being alive for millions of years would learn to be more careful, but it has the reverse effect.

"Is this seat taken?" I turned around to see a young girl in all black with long blonde hair.

"No, go ahead, sit in it." I smiled as she sat down.

"How did a pretty girl like you end up her? Are you working for someone?" Alex asked.

"No one." She spoke. "Every side in this war is twisted. I prefer to keep out of it."

"You can't do that. Whoever wins this war will make you be bound by their laws." Alex explained.

"Not if they don't know I exist." She smiled mischievously. "Aren't you not on any side as well?"

"Yes, how do you know that?" I asked.

"See, I'm just like you." She laughed. "Other than I'd much rather die than not be free."

"Point and case." Alex shrugged.

"Well, I wish you well on your journey." She lifted up her drink. "To no one."

We lifted up our cups as well.

"Farewell." She spoke as she left.

Some time passed before any of us spoke again. Alex and Sarah went around gambling. But I just remained in my seat till they returned.

"That was weird. What that girl said" Sarah spoke.

"But it made a lot of sense." I explained. "Most of the universe is choosing a side for the upcoming war. However, we aren't."

"Right now it looks like the The Spirits are the strongest, but the Immortal Alliance may catch up if they can get The Chosen One and The Light Fighter trained in time." Alex spoke.

"What about The Chosen One?" A teenage boy in a golden robe with black spiky hair walked up behind us.

"Nothing." Sarah looked away.

"I happened to hear the last bit of your conversation. And I say, you're right." He spoke. "As it is now, The Spirits are winning. But if you could help me find The Shadow Warrior, we could turn the tables. End the war. Ensure a safe universe."

"How do you know we are searching for The Shadow Warrior?" I asked.

"I'm The Chosen One." He smiled. "You know when I'm not super disheveled from being thrown through a space vacuum."

"What?" We all mouthed, confused.

The Chosen One. One of the legendary 3 of the universe, just came up to us. Someone we have been researching and trying to find for millions of years, is now standing right in front of us.

"But don't call me that." He held out his hand. "I'm Musso."

"Nice to meet you." I spoke as we all held out her hands and telling him our names, still in shock.

"Why don't you take me back to your base and show me what information you have and I'll tell you what I know." Musso spoke.

"Sounds good." I spoke. "Follow me." 

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