Chapter 23: The Real Enemy

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Rey's POV

"Well that didn't go as I expected it to." I looked at Musso.

"Don't you say?" Musso looked defeated.

"Lift your chin up man! You're a proud saiyan!" I wrapped my arms around him.

"But I just ruined everything I had with Midnight." A tear began to fall from his eye.

"She still loves you man. Trust me. She did so much to get you back!" I tried to cheer him up.

"To turn me down." He began to walk away.

"Girls will be girls!" I grabbed his arm. "She still loves you. I can guarantee that!"

"Then why did she just run away?" Musso looked down.

"She's just as hurt as you!" I put my hand on his shoulder.

Musso gave me a puzzled look.

"Trust me I'm a relationship expert." I snapped and pointed at him.

"You're crazy." Musso rolled his eyes, wiping a tear off.

"I may be crazy but at least I'm good looking!" I smirked.

"Sure you are." Musso rolled his eyes again.

"Come on and let's train. Let all your anger out training!" I patted his back.

"Alright, let's go." Musso smiled a little.


Training went well. And when I say I mean well Kade and Musso trained together while I just threw bursts of fire into a wall. Entertaining yes I know.

Midnight was nowhere to be seen. It's only been a few hours but it's not like her to run off.

"Have you seen Midnight?" Amias came up to me.

"Nope." I responded.

"What happened?" Amias spoke.

"Like what do you mean?" I asked.

"What happened that made her run off." Amias he put his hand on my shoulder.

"She finally got Musso to remember who he was and when he asked to her to be together again she said no and ran off. She looked pretty upset. But she'll come back." I assured him.

"But they're after her. The guardians." Amias spoke.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"I heard them talking the other day about what use she has to their plan." Amias whispered.

"Are you saying that they're just using the 3 to take out The Spirits." I spoke in a soft tone.

"Exactly." Amias nodded.

"After that then what?" I asked, worried.

"I don't know but I don't think it's good." Amias spoke.

"They wouldn't hurt them they have such a loyal following." I shrugged.

"What? A following?" Amias questioned me.

"Hasn't Midnight told you all about that book she's reading and her adventures? Many people know of the legends of those 3 and have dedicated shrines and stuff to them." I spoke.

"When did you become the smart one?" Gael came up behind us.

"Midnight told me about it. Those 3 are like worshipped in parts of the universes. They aren't suppose to know the legend but they do." I smiled.

Damn I felt smart.

"Where is Midnight then?" Gael asked.

"MIA." Amias gritted his teeth.

'What does MIA mean?" I asked.

"And he's back to normal!" Gael laughed.

"Where is that book now?" Amias asked.

"Oh yeah it could be useful." Gael spoke.

"You don't even know what's going on!" Amias exclaimed.

"Yes I do. I already was suspicious and then I heard your guy's talk and that confirmed my beliefs. We don't know these immortals. What if they paint themselves out to be the good guys but are actually the bad guys?" Gael explained.

"There are no good guys then." Amias's eyes widened.

"What about us?" I laughed trying to lighten the situation.

It didn't work.

"I don't know. But we should make it a priority to figure out who the real good guys are. Besides us." Gael spoke.

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