Chapter 26: The Aftermath

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Musso's POV

I walked past an abandoned town. But it wasn't like one in the movies. Only a couple years ago this was a battle zone for the most powerful beings in this universe. Now it stands, a modern palace, with remarkably damage only to only a few buildings.

I placed flowers on the ground right before some palace doors. Closing my eyes I can remember it like it was yesterday.

I can remember her beautiful face, her blonde hair, her perfect smile.

I shook when I thought of how she was brought to her death and how I was too late to stop The Spirits from taking her away from me. I've never felt so helpless, which was a feeling saiyans like myself hate to admit.

I felt a tear begin to roll down my eye, remembering that once was mine is now gone.

A beautiful girl, taken away by a force I am still too weak to take revenge on. I want them to pay for taking my love away, but I can't do anything.

I could train and eventually be strong enough to do some damage, but not by myself. Plus, I have no motivation to train anyways. What I would fight for is now long gone.

"Musso!" I heard someone call my name.

I turned around to see Fate. "You need to come to The Palace right now."

"Can't you see I'm busy?" I growled.

"You always are mourning her." Fate rolled his eyes. "You promised to help us defeat The Spirits. You're The Chosen One."

"That her was the one that could defeat them. The Spirits." I hissed.

"She might have been good then, but we all knew who she would become." Fate spoke.

"You never even gave her a chance!" I hissed back.

"You're so naïve." Fate stayed calm. "I did. I gave her many chances. However, she never would follow our orders, she did things on her own terms. How could you miss the darkness taking over her soul?"

"Because there was no darkness." I spat back.

Fate rolled his eyes. "Well, there is a chance she could come back. There is a tale of The Shadow Warrior rising from the pool of dark magic in a million years. Could be true, could be false. But at the rate things are going now, there is going to be no universe left then, The Spirits would have taken over.

"So what your telling me is there is a chance she is not completely gone?" I asked.

"Yes. So if you help us, you and the universe may live to see her again." Fate spoke. "Especially since something dark and powerful has recently risen."

"What?" I bit my lip.

"We don't know." Fate spoke. "All we know is some of our top guards have vanished and there have been reports of some dark being wandering The Cave. Strong enough to contend with you and Kade."

"That doesn't sound good." I shook my head.

"We suspect that it's something The Spirits conjured." Fate nodded.

"I will help you." I spoke. "On one condition."

"What?" Fate rolled his eyes.

I paused. "I do it my way."

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