Chapter 20: The Hourglass

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Rey's POV

I watched as Midnight walked into the battle arena for the finals of the women's tournament. She was fighting some friend of Trunk's and Goten's called 18. I watched as Midnight and another blonde woman who looked older than Midnight with short blonde hair down to her shoulders.

"And let the fight begin!" The announcer yelled into his mic.

At first nothing happened.

Midnight just stood there. And so did 18.

"That's enough!" The other woman yelled at she lunged at Midnight.

However Midnight dodged out of her way and caught her punch.

The other woman, 18, screamed out of frustration.

"Sorry but I need to end this." Midnight whispered.

Then she teleported back and hit 18 in the head.

18 fell on the ground.

"Midnight is the winner!" The announcer yelled as the crowds cheered.

Midnight quickly jumped to the ground and began to walk off.

"Where are you going?" The announcer asked.

"I have places to be." Midnight spoke sternly.

"Come on, we need to hear about your victory!" The announcer cheered.

"I won. There, you got it. I gotta go." Midnight quickly made her way into the locker rooms.

I flew into the locker rooms after her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"You saw. Musso is under some spell. And I need to break it. Preferably sooner rather than later." Midnight threw some things in a bag.

"I'm in." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's too dangerous. I need to retrieve light magic from The Pool Of Light Magic to the dark part of The Cave and retrieve some dark magic from The Pool Of Dark Magic." Midnight spoke.

"I'll get the light magic for you. I don't think you'll be wanted there. No offense or anything but if anyone isn't welcome there it's you." I offered.

"No offense taken. That's a good point. But I want to do this." Midnight spoke as she turned away from me.

"Why?" I complained.

"Thanks for the offer. But I don't want you to get hurt." She spoke softly before she vanished.

"Wow, she was a good fighter!" I heard Goten talk behind me.

There sat a group of people, many who I knew like Trunks, Goten, Goku, Vegeta, 18, and numerous more.

"18 just had an off day." Trunks responded.

"No offense but 18 will never beat Midnight. Didn't I tell you she's insanely good?" I walked into the conversation.

"That's who you were talking about?" Goku asked.

"Yeah. She's pretty good, isn't she?" I smiled.

"Her fighting was really good." Trunks spoke.

"It was flawless." I heard another voice say.

"That's what her master wanted to be. And she's getting closer to it." I responded.

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