Chapter 7: The Dark Truth

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Midnight's POV

I stopped dead in my tracks. I recognized the figure in front of me.

It was Death. He was one of the founders of the universe with Fate and Brio.

Musso was able to flip behind him and open a portal to his master against the wall.

"Go through it, it will take you to Earth!" Musso yelled at his master, who seemed to obey.

Musso turned around the see Death slow clap behind him, like he didn't care he just liberated his old master.

"Aren't I lucky? I get to see not only one of the three today, but two." Death smiled.

"What do you mean?" Musso argued. "Are you The Shadow Warrior?"

"I fear not." Death hissed, like he was offended by the question. "I should have been."

"You captured The Shadow Warrior?" Musso asked.

"Not yet." Death smirked. "But I plan on it."

"What you mean?" Musso questioned.

I could see where this was headed. My secret was about to be spoken. But how does he know?

"The little demon is right behind you." Death hissed, baring sharp white teeth.

Musso whipped his head around to see my face in shock.

I don't know that to say. The room fell silent.

"Is that true?" Musso asked.

I dropped my head. "I can explain Musso."

"Plot twist." Death walked towards us. "The Chosen One was friends with The Shadow Warrior all along, but really The Shadow Warrior was just planning to use her victim an later kill him."

"Midnight would never do that!" Musso growled. "She has been my best friend for so many years. She would never hurt me."

"Looks like she just did." Death smiled.

Musso opened his mouth, but immediately closed it.

"I'm sorry." I began.

"Sorry will not cut it." Musso hissed at me, taking a step behind Death towards me.

Death laughed. "It's too easy to keep my hands clean."

"Musso." I begged. I couldn't lose him. I couldn't think of that thought now.

He ignored me and lunged.

I just stood there. I couldn't hurt him. I stood ready to take my punishment for keeping a secret.

That was when I saw him flip backwards and attack Death with a large mass of light magic.

Death, unprepared for the attack and staggered and giving us time to move.

"Run!" Musso yelled, taking my hand and flying back out the door and into the main hallway of The Cave.

The argument we had was just a cover up for his attack.

"Brilliant." I complimented Musso as we stopped outside The Cave.

We both took a second to take in what just happened.

"I know you too well. You would never hurt me intentionally." Musso hugged me. "I know you have a soft side, even if you're a saiyan."

"I guess so." I smiled, hugging him back.

Then all sudden his lips fell on mine for a moment.

"That would be scary though if you were actually The Shadow Warrior!" Musso laughed.

"About that." I began but Musso cut me off.

"That would mean we were like arch enemies according to that legend! If there was anyone I couldn't kill in all the universes, it's you." Musso smiled at me.

I bit my tongue. I hated keeping a secret from him but admitting to keeping that secret would also end up bad. Choosing the lesser of two evils was hard.

I took a breath. "Death wasn't lying. I am The Shadow Warrior."

I flipped over my wrist that revealed a crescent shaped moon scar.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but I always thought you deserved the truth. Even if it was best for me to keep my mouth shut."

Musso looked at me and stepped forward. He wrapped me in his arms.

"I promise never to think of you any differently." He whispered in my ear.

Then he took a deep breath. "I have something I need to get off chest as well."

Shit. Is he going to tell me we couldn't be friends anymore? I couldn't lose my best friend.

Musso bit his lip. "Midnight. I really like you."

"I know that dumbass, we're best friends." I smiled pathetically.

"No!" He stuttered. "Like more than friends. I kind of always have since we met."

My jaw dropped metaphorically, but I kept my poker face.

"I kind of like you too." I responded quietly.

Then he began to lean towards me.

However, there was a rustle in the bushes.

"Good news guys!" Rey spoke. "There will be a competition on Earth in a month that will feature many fighters from all universes on the Earth we live on!"

He paused for a moment. "And guess what? The other saiyans are gonna be there too!"

"Sounds good! I can't wait to test what I have learned." Musso smiled.

"And now you got your old master too." I smiled Musso.

"Oh yeah!" He smiled. "I forgot about that!"

We turned around to see three men walked out of a portal. It was Zen who led Musso's old master and another man.

That other man smiled and reached out at me. "Midnight."

It was my old master.

The Shadow Warrior (Dragon Ball Z)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz