Chapter 10: The Other Saiyans

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Rey's POV

I walked down to the main arena into the fighting grounds where the big fights were going to take place. Just to think, in a few weeks these stands would be filled with great fighters from all the universes and screaming fans. But the only sound I heard were some quiet footsteps.

"Hey! Be quiet! Remember we shouldn't be here!" A voice whispered.

"Sorry, I'm trying." Another voice answered.

I walked towards the noise. "Hello?"

Suddenly I heard a huge crash in front of me and piles of boxes landed at my feet with 2 kids.

"Hey, there." One with lavender hair rubbed his head. "Please don't tell anyone we were here?"

"Wait are you a saiyan?" The other kid with spiky black hair asked. "You have a tail."

"There aren't any other saiyans left other than our dad's and us, Goten." The other kid spoke.

"You're saiyans?" I asked.

"Yeah. Well half saiyans." Goten stood up.

"You're the other saiyans!" I cheered. "Cool! I was waiting to meet you guys!"

"You're a saiyan as well?" The lavender kid spoke. "I'm Trunks by the way."

"Yeah, I'm one of the last in my universe and from what I have heard you guys here on Earth are too." I explained. "I come from a whole different universe than you guys, this one actually, Universe 1. Our universes are the only ones with saiyans in them."

"How do you know all this?" Goten asked.

"My friends and I are training with the immortals. They told me all of this." I smiled. "Oh, I'm Rey by the way. And I'm not normally that smart."

"Are your friends saiyans too?" Trunks asked.

"Yeah. Amias, Gael, Musso, and Midnight. We're not your super violent stereotypical saiyan though. Well, except when we fight, then we are." I spoke. "Actually, you might fight against us at some point. What competitions are you entered in?"

"The male and junior division." Trunks smiled.

"Cool! Amias, Gael, Musso, and I are in the male division and Midnight is in the junior division so I guess you'll have a chance to fight all of us!" I spoke.

"Why is Midnight not in the male division as well?" Goten asked.

"Is he too young to fight in the big leagues?" Trunks continued. "Cause we're young, but that isn't stopping us."

"No. Trust me, if Midnight was in the male division she would still kick some serious ass! But she can't because she is a girl and is in the women division instead." I explained.

"So there is a girl saiyan left? Cool." Trunks smiled. "How old is she?"

"Midnight is 11, but acts way older." I answered. "She was kind of forced to grow up fast. The poor thing has been hunted her whole life cause she was the last female saiyan in all the universes! She was on her own when she was only 5, that's when we meet."

"Wow, looks like she didn't have it easy." Goten sympathized.

"You should meet my dad. He would be excited to learn there are more saiyans!" Trunks smiled.

"Sure! I can't wait to meet him! Lead the way." I nodded.

Trunks and Goten lead me out of the arena and then we took to the skies. We kept flying till we landed on the smallest island.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"There were just here." Trunks spoke, puzzled. "Strange."

"Let's split up." Goten suggested.

"Alright, that might work. Let's go." Trunks confirmed.

I went towards the small mountains on the edge of the island.

Then I heard a large boom behind me. It was a large wave of energy heading my directions.

"Watch out!" A voice screamed at me.

I jumped in the air sent a large wave of energy back. I heard a large boom as energy scattered everywhere.

What the hell was that?

A short man with spikey black hair stood 100 yards in front me.

"Hey, watch where you throw energy around!" I yelled.

"Maybe you should watch out where you're going." The short man with spiky black hair hissed.

"Calm down Vegeta, he's just trying to help. Wouldn't you be mad if someone hit Bulma?" Another voice flying from above spoke.

"I-" Vegeta stammered. "I wouldn't care Goku."

"Yes, you would." Goku smiled.

"Quick question you 2, do you know where these 2 saiyans are? I found their kids, Trunks and Goten and they said they were on this island." I asked.

"I think that's us." Goku spoke.

"Yes, Goku, that's us." Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"What you guys are the saiyans?" I gasped. "That's so cool!"

"What about it?" Vegeta questioned.

"I've been looking for you!" I smiled.

"Why?" Goku landed next to me.

"Cause I wanted to meet you!" I pulled my tail out from under my shirt. "I'm one too."

"There are more saiyans in the universe?" Goku asked. "I thought we were the last."

"Well, there are only a few left. You see we're from different universes and like your universe, the saiyans were mostly killed as well. However a few of us, my friends and I are still alive." I explained.

Vegeta's jaw dropped. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah man!" I smiled.

"Wait, what's your name?" Goku asked.

"I'm Rey." I began before I was cut off.

"Do you want to train with us for a bit?" Goku asked.

"Sure!" I smiled.

"Are you serious Goku? He wouldn't last a couple of seconds with us." Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"You don't know that!" Goku smiled.

"Yeah!" I raised my voice. "What if I'm the strongest fighter in the universe?"

Vegeta gave me a mean look.

"I'm kidding." I laughed. "That's my friends."

"Are they saiyans too?" Goku asked.

"Yeah! Well, 4 of them are." I responded.

"4 more saiyans!" Vegeta exclaimed.

"Goku. Vegeta." I saw a tall blue man approach us. "I need to talk to you."

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