Chapter 24: Darkness Rising

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Midnight's POV

All I could see is darkness.

Where am I?

My senses felt so dull. I felt numb.

"She's still out right?" Asked a familiar voice.

It was Gem.

"Of course." Another voice confirmed.

It was Death.

"She should be out for a couple more hours. That's when the poison runs out." Gem spoke.

"But she's one of the 3. Does that make a difference on how long it will last?" Another unfamiliar voice asked.

"We don't know. So let's hurry up." Gem spoke.

"Wait. We take her to The Spirits. She fights The Spirits. What happens if she wins?" Spoke an unfamiliar voice.

"If she wins we take her out right after with the light magic poison. If she loses we know how much we have to train Kade and Musso." Gem answered.

"Thought we went over this." Death growled.

I took a deep breath in. Then exhaled a large burning white flame out.

I was wobbly but I could move.

I needed to get out of her.

I had to warn them.

At least Kade. I don't know if I could face Musso right now. Though I wish I could.

I heard shouts all around me.

There had to be at least 20 others around me.

I looked around but everything was blurry.

How do I get out?

I began to panic.

That's when it all started.

Darkness began to swirl around me. It reached out and grabbed at my body. I breathed it in and it filled my lungs.

It felt comforting.

It was like it was calling me.

It felt like it wanted to be a part of me.

I wasn't afraid anymore.

Then the darkness around me began to protect me as the bodies around me lunged at me.

I just stood there as it reached out and latched on to each body that lunged at me and threw them to the side.

They started to cry out in pain.

Like the darkness was burning them.

"Get away! The darkness will consume you!" A voice screamed.

"That darkness won't protect you forever little girl." Gem growled.

I turned my gaze on him.

I heard a whole bunch of little voices in my head screaming in my head.

I am the darkness! I am the darkness! I am the darkness!

"You can't hide forever." Death smirked.

"You're on your own now." Gem added.

The darkness was still floating all around me.

Then I heard Death begin to laugh.

"Don't hide behind a little veil of darkness! Won't you come out and play?" Death chuckled.

"I am the darkness."

The words just spilled out of my mouth.

Let the darkness consume you! Let the darkness consume you!

Gem and Death suddenly became dead silent.

That was when the scar on my wrist began to shine a bright light blue.

I felt an immense amount of power flow over me.

I could just feel my power level soar to far above anything I've ever had.

Far above anything I've ever felt.

I had no doubt I was stronger than each of The Spirits now.

Should I go attack them and end them now while I'm at this power?

Then I heard a crashing sound behind me.

I should've been more careful what I wished for. Cause it just might've happened.

That was when I saw each of The Spirits walk into the cavern we were in.

Everything then became quiet except for a dripping sound of water from the ceiling.

The light was dim. Partially cause of all the dark magic swirling around.

The walls were a dark grey rock and were wet.

I am the darkness. I am the darkness. I am the darkness.

I just let the darkness swirl around me.

I am safe in the darkness. Nothing can hurt me there.

"She's here to take you out!" I heard Gem yell at The Spirits.

"She wants to take over the universe! You need to stop her! We tried but we not able to stop her!" Death added.

Those fucking liars. Still getting what they wanted.

I finally got a good look at The Spirits.

There was 12 of them. One for each universe.

They all wore white ragged robes that flowed in the breeze. There all had hoods so you could not see their face.

They almost looked like ghosts in their robes. They almost faded into the background.

"That's not true." My voice stuttered.

"Then why are you at such a high power level so close to their domain?" Gem asked.

"You were attacking me. And you're too afraid to finish what you started." I hissed.

"I am not afraid. Why would I be afraid of a little girl?" Gem chuckled.

"Because." I growled.

"Because what?" Death hissed.

"I am the darkness." I spoke.

The Spirits then lunged at me.

Firsts and feet were flung at me from all directions.

I was overwhelmed by how many there were.

I avoided every attack but I couldn't seem to land an attack on my own.

12 against 1. How is that fair?

I've never felt anyone as strong as them. Not even Kade or Musso was just strong as one of them.

Stop!" I yelled.

It was becoming too much for me.

I blasted a large sphere of darkness around me.

All 12 of The Spirits flung back against the walls with a thud.

I did something at least.

They all got back up within a second and lunged again.

I can't win this fight.

I can hold my own.

But I can't win this fight.

And there's no one that can help me now.

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