Chapter 34: Lost And Found

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Musso's POV

"That was strange." Rey spoke.

"But educational." Alex added.

"Education my ass. I never went to school and I'm doing fine." Rey spoke.

"Then what is the square root of 4?" I smirked.

"Communism." Rey smirked back. "See I'm smart."

"I actually am more surprised he used a big word." I shrugged at Alex.

"Does he knows what it means?" Alex whispered in my ears.

"Hell no." I chuckled.

Suddenly the ground began to shake.

"What the hell is going on?" I heard Ace growl next to me.

Kade and I glanced at each other.

We both knew what was going on.

The Spirits are attacking.

We both rushed to where the commotion was.

There was an entire army fighting in a valley below us.

Our army.

Or more of the immortal's army we were just a part of.

More immortals and other beings began running into battle as well.

Guess we all had a common enemy.

Kade and I knew what we had to do.

Kade and I stuck together and kept our eyes out for The Spirits.

Throwing a blow here and there.

We had to find The Spirits and defeat them.

We got tossed around but we finally found our way to the other side and there they were.

Standing there in grey robes. Facing towards us.

"You will pay." I growled.

"For what?" One of The Spirits nonchalantly chuckled.

"Everything. But mostly for taking my Midnight away!" I snarled as I lunged forward.

The Spirits quickly jumped out of the way of my attack.

We were outnumbered.

But I was hoping not out powered.

I sent bolts of lightening around me in rage.

They hit them but they didn't do much damage.

I didn't care.

Anything was better rthan nothing.

I was gonna defeat them.

With Kade by my side I could do it.

Kade was getting pounded by 3 of them and I quickly jumped in to intervene.

But instead I took an energy blast to the chest and was flung backward.

I got back up and sent some energy blasts their way.

They hit but didn't do enough damage for my liking.

Just them Kade got flown back.

I sent some light magic swirling around them trapping them.

I had to give Kade a chance to get back on his feet.

Kade got back up and joined the fight without taking too much damage.

That was when I let my guard down.

One of The Spirits hit me with an energy blast.

"Musso!" Kade yelled out.

Just then he was hit by blow too.

He was thrown right next to me.

"I don't know if we can do this." Kade gasped.

"What do you mean? We have no choice." I hissed.

"They're too good." Kade looked down.

"Don't say that." I groaned as the pain in my chest began to throb.

"We're strong but we're not ready." Kade gritted his teeth.

"We can do this." I said, but I knew our chances were slim.

"We need a miracle." Kade hit the ground with his fist.

The Spirits began to walk towards us with evil grins.

I couldn't move the pain was paralyzing me.

This cannot be the end.

All the sudden one of The Spirits was blasted back by a powerful force.

"What the hell is that power I sense?" Kade yelled at me over the battle as it grew more intense.

I knew exactly what that power was.


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