Chapter 27: The True Identity

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Ace's POV

We were on our way to the pool of dark magic. It was a long hike from where we were located in The Cave, but we were curious. We had to know.

For the million years after we obtained immortality from the dragon balls it was our mission to discover the universes deepest secrets.

We found many secrets, some even the top immortals do not know. For example, the legend of the 3 most powerful beings, The Chosen One who brings balance between the light and the dark, The Lighter Fighter who is the ultimate master of light magic, and The Shadow Warrior who is the ultimate master of dark magic.

There was one secret that always haunted us- the identity of The Shadow Warrior. Or anything about The Shadow Warrior. However, The Shadow Warrior has always eluded us. Even though it is rumored The Shadow Warrior was gone, we have suspicions that is not true.

What other being could rise from the pool of dark magic and wipe out an entire army of guards?

Even if it wasn't The Shadow Warrior they could pose a threat to the universe.

"There's nothing here but darkness." Sarah spoke.

"No duh. It's the pool of dark magic." Alex rolled his eyes.

"There's nothing here." I shrugged.

Sarah turned on a light.

"Cut that off!" Alex slapped the light out of her hand. "We can't be seen."

Then Sarah screamed.

"What?" I hissed.

"Stand back." A voice spoke from behind us.

We all jumped back.

"Who are you?" I asked trying for my voice not to shake.

"I'm Gem, one of the universe overlords." He spoke.

"Gem. What an honor to meet you." I bowed, quickly getting Alex and Sarah to follow. "We are an elite task force and our mission is to find the universes deepest secrets."

"Interesting. What do you know?" Gem asked.

"Quite a bit." Sarah smiled.

"Like we know what The Spirits have planned." Alex spoke.

"And what would that be?" Gem suddenly looked interested.

"Why should we tell you?" Alex spoke.

"Because it might keep you alive." Gem spoke.

"Was that The Shadow Warrior that rose from the pool?" Alex asked, more relaxed now.

"I don't know." The voice spoke. "I'm guessing no. I knew The Shadow Warrior and that did not look like that."

"You know The Shadow Warrior?" Sarah gasped.

"Yes." The man spoke. "Well, knew. Not well, but the fact I knew something is a big deal. The Shadow Warrior didn't like giving out their identity."

"What do you know?" Alex asked. "We are trying to find him. If he's still alive."

Gem shook his head. "That's your issue. The Shadow Warrior isn't a him. It's a her."  

The Shadow Warrior (Dragon Ball Z)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon