Chapter 28: Hope

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Musso's POV

I've been listening to water drip for the past 2 days. There I sat, in The Palace, with immortals bickering what to do with the state of the universe. The universe has been in chaos since the 3 of the legend appearing, the universal war between light and dark, The Spirits coming back, and the death of The Shadow Warrior. Well, only the immortal region of the universe was facing war, the mortal realm was oblivious.

"Hey Musso, you might want to see this." I heard Rey whisper from behind me.

"What is it?" I turned around. "And you don't have to hide, you're welcome here anytime."

"Oh, sorry." Rey stood up. "It's just I was, um, in The Cave, you know, um eating."

"I know you were trying to find the bacon queen." I rolled my eyes. "I told you that was some shit Midnight and I made up to keep you quiet one time."

Midnight. My mind blanked out for a second.

"Are you ok?" Rey asked.

"Yeah, fine." I responded.

"Thinking about Midnight?" Rey asked.

"Um yeah." I nodded.

"Well, I have good news for you." Rey cheered.

"I told you, she cannot be brought back with the dragon balls." I rolled my eyes. "She's too powerful."

Rey cleared his throat. "No, there are these 3 semi-immortals that think she might be alive."

"What?" I cut him off. I stood up. Midnight could be alive? It was just too much to wrap my mind around.

"Well, a possibility. Something dark rose from the pool of dark magic. And they are trying to find what it is. And there is a possibility it is her." Rey smiled.

"How did you find out about this? We need to find them." I spoke.

"I kinda eavesdropped on some immortals." Rey smirked. "Aren't I a genius?"

"Yes you are!" I gave him a hug.

"So when will we search for the bacon queen?" Rey cheered.

"And you're back to stupid again." I laughed. "So the immortals were hiding stuff from me. Interesting."

There was a brief moment of silence while I tried to wrap my head around the possibility of Midnight being alive.

"Isn't that great?" Rey smiled.

"Yeah." I smiled for the first time in a long time.

I've never been ready to take on anything more than this, right here, right now. I'll do anything to get Midnight back.

We got cut off by a loud sound.

"What's that?" Rey asked.

"The Spirits are attacking. We have to go!" I yelled.

That was when Rey was flung back by the universe being ripped apart in some space vacuum. And I was soon to follow. 

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