Chapter 9: The Fountain Of Youth

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Musso's POV

~1 Month Later~

I walked next to Midnight as we finally entered the islands that the competition would be held on. They were giving everyone a few weeks to get acquainted with the area and to train. There were three islands. Ganaron was the largest which held a city where many fighters were staying in. It had the largest arena as well as 9 others. Fetzer was the second largest. It had 8 arenas and a large training facility. Yefferan was the smallest and just held 2 small arenas and a training facility. It also had a forest to find peace and quiet in as well.

The last month was the hardest month of training I've ever had. We trained nonstop. Fate even came and trained us. I practiced everything from the basics to light and dark magic. I now had the power level to classify me as an elite, but not the experience. However, Zen said this competition would help with that since many immortals were going to be in it. Well, the immortals match anyways.

I saw Midnight walking and I ran up kissed her. "Hey beautiful."

"Hey." She opened her eyes in surprise.

"Guess what? Fate is taking me to the Fountain Of Youth today. He told me to tell you cause he thinks you should come along." I spoke.

"I've already seen it." Midnight rolled her eyes. "So do I want to, no, but should I, yes."

Fate appeared behind and created a portal to The Cave and we walked through.

"Hello, friends." He spoke.

"Hey." Musso greeted.

"Down this way ladies and gentlemen." Fate smiled.

We walked for a couple minutes before we walked into a room with a waterfall in the middle of the ceiling that flowed into a beautiful light blue pool of water, 15 feet in diameter.

"It's so pretty." Midnight smiled.

"The Fountain Of Youth." Fate began. "The water that flows here has been given its name because of its ability to heal wounds and sickness."

"So the water is pretty valuable?" I asked.

"Well, if you can get to it in time. The water cannot be taken out of the fountain, however, there are a few special stained glass vases that can carry around the water." Fate spoke.

"They are located in a special part of The Cave, Doomsday's Room I believe." Midnight nodded.

"How do you know that?" Fate looked astonished.

"Reading this book." She pulled the book out of her bag around her shoulder.

"The Great Book Of Magic." Fate's jaw dropped. "Where did you get that?"

"It just appeared when we got to Gem's party a while ago. It's a really cool read." Midnight continued. "I just kept it in my bag since."

"That explains why you know so much." Fate held the book. "The book has a ton of knowledge in it. No one knows who wrote it or how it came to be. It contains some of the deepest secrets of the universe. You should be lucky no one has stolen it yet."

"I'm actually almost done." Midnight smiled. "There are some pages that are blank though."

"That's because they are only for a certain beings to read. There are parts Musso can read, and places only The Light Fighter can read, and places only The Shadow Warrior can read." Fate spoke. "Midnight probably knows something about that."

"About what?" Midnight asked.

"I know you're the Shadow Warrior. After you mastered those beginner dark magic spells so easily, I knew something was up. Don't worry, I'm gonna give you a chance." Fate spoke. "But I still don't completely trust you."

"Thanks." Midnight smiled.

I took the book and flipped through it. It actually wasn't that bad of a read.

"You have much to learn Musso." Fate pointed to me, but I ignored him.

"Wanna go get that thing?" I asked Midnight.

"Hell yeah." Midnight smiled. "I want to start a necklace with all these magical pieces on it."

"Like your weapons bracelet?" I asked.

"Exactly." Midnight responded.

Midnight created this magical bracelet of charm sized weapons that grow to full size when taken off which laced with dark magic. She used to have a storage of all the weapons she collected over the years, but now she carries them on her wrist. A lot of times she runs off after reading a chapter of that big book of magic and comes back with some new magical weapons she found, stole, or fought for.

"That is not advised." Fate shook his head.

"Come on, have a sense of adventure." I joked.

"It's dangerous over there. Plus, Brio has been trying to find a way in Doomsday's Room for billions of years to try to get something else located in it. What makes you think you can get in?" Fate asked.

"I'm The Chosen One, maybe it'll just open for me." I shrugged.

"Or just launch some magic into it." Midnight added.

"I highly doubt that will work." Fate rolled his eyes.

"Just watch. Or at least let us try." I smirked.


"You've tried everything, just give up guys." Fate argued as I sent large blasts of magic into the door.

"Let me try one more thing." Midnight pulled some paperclips out of pocket and walked up to a small keyhole and started to pick the lock.

"You can't pick a magical lock on a magical door that won't open for any of the most powerful immortals." Fate sighed. "Just look for the key."

"Trust me. Midnight is a pro at this." I smirked.

A couple of minutes passed by and then I saw Midnight smile. "Got it."

We heard a click and the door began to moan as it opened.

"You just lock picked the most magical door in the universe." Fate shook his head.

"Aren't I great?" Midnight beamed. "Let's go fuck shit up in here."

"Hell yeah!" I wrapped my arms around her. "Let's go!"

Fate rolled his eyes. "What a strange romance. The Shadow Warrior and The Chosen One."

"The legend is wrong in many ways." Midnight smirked.

We walked into the room, which was fairly small but had magical items scattered everywhere.

"There is some cool shit in here." Midnight spoke as she grabbed some things and threw them into her bag. She has always had a thing for collecting weapons and such. Ever since we learned about the legend, she has been collecting tons of magical items.

I looked over to the wall and there stood the blue stained vases. I grabbed them and looked inside.

"There is water in here already." I spoke.

"That's how it works. It refills after each use." Fate stammered. "We should not be in here."

"That's right. You shouldn't be in here." A figure appeared in the shadows, a long sword in hand.

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