The Struggles Of Being A Girl

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It was that time of the month again and you just wanted to stay in bed. You call Chris to cancel your plans for today.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just on my period. I just wanna stay home." You say while clutching your stomach.

"You want me to come over?" He asks.

"Sure. That would be nice." You tell him while smiling slightly, even though he can't see.

"I'll be there in 20." He says and then hangs up.

A while later, you hear a knock on your door. You open it to see Chris with a huge bag. "I brought a bunch of snackables." He says holding up the bag.

"Awww you're cute." You say while giving him a peck.

You look through the bag to see everything you were craving: a bunch of chocolate, ice cream, and chips. At the bottom of the bag were a package of pads and a package of tampons. You thought it was so sweet that he bought them for you, especially since you were running out. Most guys would be embarrassed.

"This is so sweet. Thank you." You say while giving him another kiss. You let him in and bring him to your room.

You both crawl into the covers of your bed and cuddle. You have a Netflix marathon as he feeds you chocolate and you both devour the pint of ice cream.

A while later, the cramps started coming back. He notices so he turns off the tv and you lay down. He wraps his arm around your waist and places his hand on your lower stomach, right above your shorts and gently rubs it, soothing the cramps.

He buries his face in the crook of your neck and then starts to give tiny, gentle kisses on your collarbone. You turn your head around to give him a gentle kiss. You think to yourself, how are you so lucky to have an amazing boyfriend.

He stops rubbing your stomach but doesn't move his hand as you both slowly drift off to sleep.

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