First Pick (for @LIVEBEARS)

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So this is a request for @LIVEBEARS and I hope you like it. This was based off of The Vampire Diaries (Caroline and Elena's friendship) and Gossip Girl (Blair and Serena's friendship). There are also actual quotes from Caroline in TVD in here. Anyways I hope you guys like it.

When it comes to you and Melina, your best friend, she's always first pick for everything. You've always just kinda gone along with it yet you're trying so hard to come out from her shadow.

You were head cheerleader and queen bee in high school yet she was the one that all the guys that you liked wanted.

She was the one that won homecoming and prom queen even though she didn't want it.

She was the "it" girl.

You don't hate her or anything even though most people in your situation would. You've been best friends since preschool and she's the nicest being ever. She's always there for you but sometimes you just wish that you could be first pick for something rather than her.

Now that you're out of high school, you thought it would be different.

You both moved to LA together a few months ago and started a youtube channel together. It's gotten pretty big.

Yet of course, if people had to choose, she's the favorite out of you two.

You look at the time and realize that you're gonna be late. You grab your set of car keys and dash out the door.

You look at the driveway and realize that Melina took the car that you shared. You sigh and go back in and order and uber.

You were gonna hang out with Crawford today. You actually really like Crawford but you never told anyone this. It was your little secret.

You see your uber and quickly run out the door.

15 minutes later, you're at the Collins house.

Chris opens the door. "Hey what're you doing here?" He asks nervously while rubbing the back of his neck. Whenever he's around you, he acts weird but you just shake it off.

"I'm supposed to be hanging out with Crawf today." You smile.

"Yeah ok. He's in "his" room." (it's kinda his room but like he moved out so like yeah idk what to call it lol)

You thank him and walk to Crawford's old room.

You open the door revealing the worst thing you could possibly imagine. Your crush and your best friend making out.

They heard you open the door and quickly pull apart.

"Tiffany. What're you doing over here?" Crawford asks nervously.

"We were gonna hang out today. Remember?" You ask.

"Oh right! I'm so sorry. I completely forgot." He says guiltily. "Rain check?" He asks.

You give him a small smile even though you're dying inside.

"Sure." You say.

"Sorry you had to see that Tiff." Melina laughs at the awkward situation.

You give her a fake smile. "It's fine."

After a few seconds of pure awkward silence, you realize that they're just waiting for you to leave.

"Oh! yeah. Sorry. I'll just um leave you two alone." You say awkwardly while leaving and closing the door behind you.

Tears start to spill from your eyes as you walk towards the front door..

"You okay?" You hear Chris say behind you.

You turn around, look up, and wipe away the tears.

"Yeah. I'm fine." You manage to choke out.

"You sure?" He asks.

You shake your head as more tears fall. He walks to you and wraps his arms around you as you cry into his chest.

Once you've calmed down, he asks if you want to talk about it. You nod and he leads you up to his room.

"Why didn't he go for me? You know, how come all the guys I want never want me?" You say pacing around the room as he's just standing there. (I don't own that line. Line from TVD)

"That's not true. Okay? Guys do want you. Crawford's stupid. You're better than her. He made the biggest mistake ever choosing her over you." Chris says seriously.

"Really? Name one guy that would choose me over her, Miss Perfect." You say.

Chris goes silent as he nervously bites his lip.

"Exactly." You sigh.

"She's always the one that everyone picks. For everything. And I try so hard. And I'm never the one." You cry. (Line from TVD)

He wipes the tears from your cheeks.

"I thought it would be different now that we're out of high school but it's not. It never will be. It's just how it works. She'll always be the one that guys will choose over me. That anyone would choose over me. I just want to be someone's first pick. I'll just have to accept that it won't happen and-"

He interrupts you by smashing his lips onto yours.

After a few seconds, he pulls away.

"I would choose you over her any day. You're amazing, smart, beautiful, funny, and sweet. You're gonna go far in life. You'll always be my first pick Tiffany." Chris says.

You smile as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss.

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