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Hey guys so here's another imagine for you. Tbh I thought about this idea months ago like maybe in September but I never wrote it. Here it finally is. I hope you enjoy.

You stare at the blank word document on your laptop. You've been trying to write your paper for an hour but it's impossible.

I mean how should I know what I'll regret in the future. You think.

Your teacher assigned you a paper for spring break. The prompt was: If there is one thing you will regret not doing in the future, what would it be and how can you change it now. The key word...will.

Geez woman, it's not like I can read the future. I don't know what I will or won't regret in the future. Whatever y/n. Just think. not going to a good college? And the solution would be to work hard and get good grades right now while I'm still in high school so I can get into a good college. Ugh no that's the obvious choice. Everyone would be doing something like that.

You hear on the speaker that the plane will be landing in LAX in 10 minutes so you decide to just pack up your laptop.

The plane lands and all the passenger gets off. You then take a taxi to your hotel.

An hour later, once you got settled in, you call Chris. "Hey I landed and I'm at my hotel right now." You say.

"Ok cool. You wanna come over? I haven't seen you in forever." He says.

"Yeah. I'll be right over." You reply.

"Cool. I'll just text you my address." He says.

You both hang up and you receive his text. You order an uber and you get there in about 20 mins.

You knock on the door and he greets you with a huge hug. "I missed you too." You laugh into the hug.

"Well I haven't seen you since summer." He says. "Ever since you moved to the East Coast."

"Yeah. But looks like I'm not the only one who moved. Nice place." You say looking around.

"Thanks. Yeah. The apartment was getting too small for all 6 of us. Besides, you moved so there was really not much else there." You blush.

"That's really sweet." You say.

"Yeah. I mean the new family who moved in to your old apartment are jerks." He says and you laugh.

"But seriously though, I missed my best friend. It was kinda lonely back then when we still lived in our old apartment." He says.

"Well now you know how I feel all those times you guys go back to Canada." You say.

"True true." He says.

"And also, good news. I'm coming back after I finish senior year. I'm gonna go to a college in California." You say.

"Oh my god really? That's great!" He says.

"Yup. If I get accepted, you'll see me in September and for the next four years." You tell him.

"You will get accepted." He says and you give him a smile.

You guys hang out around the house for a couple of hours. Two hours later, Chris looks at his watch to see that it's 8pm.

"Hey did you eat yet? Are you hungry? Cause we can get something to eat." He says.

"I would but I really should get my paper done. I thought I could get it all done on the plane but I didn't. I'm sorry." You say guiltily.

"Its fine. It's the beginning of break though . So you have time." He states.

"I know. It's just that if I don't get this done now, I'll just keep thinking about it and won't have any fun the whole break." You say.

"Ok true. So how about this. We can order in and I'll help you with your paper." He says.

"Really? You're amazing. Thank you." You say as you give him a hug.

"Ok so how much have you written yet?" He asks.

"Nothing." You sigh.

"I thought you said you were working on the plane. Dude it's like a six hour plane ride." He says.

"Well I couldn't think of anything at all. I was stuck." You say.

He sighs. "We'll probably be up all night writing this aren't we?" He asks.

"Maybe." You say.

"Ok I'll order the Chinese. You can just get set up over there in the living room." He tells you.

You nod as you walk over to the couch and take out your laptop. Once you finished logging in, he walks up to the couch and sits next to you.

"Ok so what's your paper on?" He asks and you explain everything to him.

20 minutes later, the food arrives. He tips the delivery boy and comes back with a bunch of food.

"Woah. That's a lot." You say.

"Yeah. I don't know what you wanted so I got a bunch of different things." He chuckles.

You laugh as you grab a pair of chopsticks and take a box of Lo Mien and start digging in.

It's now 11 and all you have accomplished was finishing all of the food. "Okay. Will you just pick something already?" He whines.

You look at the list you two brainstormed. "I don't like any of these though."

"Y/n. We've been here for 3 hours and we're still deciding the topic." He says to you.

"But...I mean half of these are obvious and some of them I won't even regret and like some of them I don't even think will happen." You say.

"She's not grading you on accuracy. She won't know. She's grading you on the quality of the writing and your thinking. Just pick whatever and write something deep about it."

"I give up." You sigh as you put the laptop on the table and get up. He grabs your hand and pulls you back down.

"Chriiissss." You whine.

"You can't just give up. You have to do this. If anything, do this for me. I spent three hours helping you and I don't want it to be for nothing." He says.

"Now just think really deeply. Don't just think about the future. Think about the past and present too. Think about everything that has happened in your life. What is one thing that you will regret never doing. One thing that you know you will be sad about for the rest of your life if you don't do it or at least try." He says to you seriously will his gorgeous eyes locking yours.

You lean in and kiss him. He's shocked at first but doesn't pull away.

"I would regret not doing that." You say once you pull away.

He smiles and leans back in to kiss you once more.

"I would regret not telling you how I feel about you and when I'm older I would just be thinking about what could've been. That I could've had a chance." You say.

"Then write about that. Write about how you would regret not telling the guy you liked how you really feel because if you didn't, the he might've never gotten the chance to tell you how he feels." He says.

You smile.

The rest of the night you work on the paper. Once you got the topic, it was surprisingly easy to finish the paper.

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