Drunk In Love (Dirty)

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Ok so this one isn't mine...it's my friends. She wrote it for me for an imagine account I co own on Instagram (@collinsimagine). The first part was deleted so I had to rewrite it so that why it's a little different if you've read this before but I hope you enjoy. I know I was supposed to post a Crawford in New York imagine last week so I'm sorry I haven't yet. I started writing the beginning and then I never really continued writing it so I'll do that over Thanksgiving. I felt bad that I couldn't post an imagine so I decided to post this one. Oh and if you're wondering, yes the picture is Chris *smirk*....well I'm pretty sure it's Chris. Someone sent it to me

You unlock the door to the apartment you shared with Chris.

You've been best friends with him ever since he put gum in your hair in the second grade.

It's great living with him but the downside is that he brings girls home practically every night. Lately, you've been feeling a little jealous hearing the passionate moans from him and his one night stands in the other room. You convince yourself it's nothing.

You push the door open with one arm as you're holding Chris up with the other. He's had way to much to drink so you picked him up from the bar. You help him stumble into the apartment and close the door.

You turn around and suddenly, he crashes his lips onto yours. You start kissing back and you both make your way into his room without breaking your kiss and leaving a trail of clothes behind. He throws you onto the bed and hovers over you. You're both in your underwear now.

He unclasps your bra and starts massaging your breasts as you close your eyes and start moaning.

Then, his hands down trail to your panties. He aggressively rips them off of your body. He teases you as his hands gently grazes your center. You know this is wrong. He's drunk. "You're drunk Chris." You moan. "Chris, don't do anything you'll regret."

He just ignores you. "I won't enter without your permission." He says as his fingers still tease your entrance.

You finally come to your senses. "I can't, not when you're like this."

You pushed him off you and began to pick up your clothes from off the floor. You heard him let out a childish whine as you retreated back to your room.

Seeing as you were already undressed, you decided to take a quick shower before bed. As you let the hot water cleanse away the guilt of what had happened.

"I did the right thing" you thought to yourself.

You finished your shower and wrapped yourself in a towel and walked out of the bathroom.You walked into your bedroom and felt a pair of strong hands grab your waist and push you on to your bed.

The door quietly swung forward and closed by itself, it took a few moments for you to realized that a very drunk and very naked Chris was on top of you.

"Ch-Chris you need to lie down and get some rest" you said a bit frightened by his forcefulness.

"I think I need you" he smirked, playfully nipping the tip of your left ear.

He ran his hands along your arms until he gripped your wrists and held them above your head.

This time he had you pinned, literally.

The same thing happened, more kissing, more touching, more learning each other. Then you picked up right where you left off.

He once again slipped his finger between your thighs and said softly "Lets try this again, I wont enter unless you give me permission."

This time you didn't say a word. You just whimpered and desperately tried to shut your legs. He slowly rocked his hand back and forth, the sensation turned you on and you gasped but still gave no response.

He kissed along your chest until, finally, he began sucking on your breast. The sensation was strange, maternal almost but at the same time incredibly sexy.

He bit your teat playfully and asked asked again, his hand picking up the pace, "Have an answer yet?"

This time you couldn't take it, "God, yes".

In that very moment he stuck two of his fingers inside you and began pumping. You let out a loud moan and spread your legs. A minute or two later he stopped and you sat back up quizzically.

He was looking through your sock drawer until he triumphantly pulled out a small plastic wrapper.

He stumbled back over to the bed and slipped on the condom then kissed you softly. This wasn't a kiss of want or passion, this one was loving and tender. It was sure and true and so far from the intoxicated embraces you had shared earlier.

With that he positioned himself on top of you. The feeling of him was strange, it was like you were being filled with air and every time he pulled back the pressure was released until he went back in.

You heard him let out a few small grunts to match with your occasional cries or pleasure. "He's good." You thought to yourself as he pulled you into his lap and kissed your neck.

Suddenly you felt something inside you release, the end was coming and the idea of it both excited and saddened you.

"God, how will I explain this to him in the morning." You bit your lip.

You moaned and came, your thighs ached and your head was spinning.

He crashed on to the bed next to you and brushed the hair out your eyes. You shut them tight and ran off into the bathroom to cry.

You couldn't stand yourself for letting him do this, for ruining your friendship. Your knees buckled and you fell on to the floor crying. Suddenly you hear the doorknob jiggle.

"Hey are you okay in there y/n?"

You couldn't stand the thought of facing him like this. "I'm fine!" You reply in the cheeriest voice you can muster.

You hear him bang against the door a few times in a futile effort to take the door down in his drunken stupor.

You giggled a bit, realizing what a lightweight he is.

After a deep breath you opened the door and there he was, leaning against the wall ready to sweep you up into his arms.

He carried you back over to your bed and snuggled with you under the covers. Not wanting to upset him, you let him stay.

Right before you started falling asleep, Chris leaned in to whisper something in your ear. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asked quietly.

"Sure." You replied sleepily.

"I was never drunk."

OMFG THE ENDING RIGHT? He was never drunk!!! Awwwww. Also if you haven't read my book "Bad Girls and Players", you should. Hehe. (it's about Chris) And if you have ready it, I just updated two chapters over the weekend so you should check it out and give them some votes. Lol thanks.

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