{Prolouge} The Story That Followed After

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Gentle Reminder: this takes off from the last part of the book (a few months after) so, yes. The girl's are 18 (Diana's 19) the guys are still 22-24! (Michael just turned 24)

"Michael, you little fucker, I am going to punch you once the—aghhhh!" Amanda screamed at the top of her lungs.

Her red hair had been matted and some had stuck to her sweaty face. Her green eyes shone with pain and anger and she clenched her teeth as the painful feeling rang across her body.

Michael stood from a distance away from the bed, his honey brown eyes shone with happiness and he bit down on his lower lip to refrain from smiling. He knew Amanda loved him, but, he also knew that Amanda wouldn't think twice about snapping his hand in half if he tried to caress her face or speak softly to her.

"Amanda, do you want some water?" Diana's soft voice had filled the room. She, too, stood from a distance. Next to Yvanna, who's blue eyes never left Amanda's red-from-anger face.

"If I look like that when I'm giving birth, then, please. Count me out." Yvanna said under her breath before letting out a long one.

"No, Diana I do not want some water." Amanda let out bitterly. Her jaw clenched as another contraction passed through her body and she let out a frustrated, yet painful, sound. "I want this baby out of me so that I can kiss him, put him down to sleep, then punch Michael in the face."

Diana shrunk back into the wall and rubbed her arm absentmindedly.

Yvanna turned to Diana and shook her head. "You're going to be in that same position in three months, Diana. I'll praise you."

"Yvanna, I can fucking hear you -- Harrison, thank fucking God you're here. I can't stand this pain anymore!" Amanda said through her teeth as the salt and peppered doctor entered the room.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Luna," He started as he pulled out two gloves from the glove compartment, "It was Parent-Teacher's night and I found out that Eric had all A's."

"That's great. Now please -- the delivery." Amanda said as she pushed herself up, and brung her legs up also. She let out another wail of pain and felt like something very big was going through her opening.

Harrison looked around the room, then looked at Michael. He touched the sheets and gave him a questioning look, as if asking for permission.

Michael walked over to the pack's doctor and cracked his knuckles in anticipation. His son was coming -- his little future Alpha. He couldn't wait to see him.

Yvanna rushed to hold Amanda's hand, Diana hobbled around to the other side and offered her hand. Without a thought, Amanda took it. She squeezed both of the girl's hands as Harrison flipped the sheets over.

"You're crowning." Harrison said and Michael's eyes went wide as he saw a small portion of the pale, blood-matted crown of his baby.

"Ok Luna, I'm going to need you to push." Harrison said softly. He looked right into Amanda's green eyes and she let out a shaky breath and nodded her head quickly.

"Ok. On three, push." He said, as his eyes returned back to the baby's head. "One, two, three. . . push."

"Aghh!" Amanda let out as she tried to push out with all her might. She now praised mother's who gave birth to more then one child -- then thought of them as crazy as she thought of them going through pain once and doing it again.

"OK, good job, Luna. I'm going to ask you to do it again. On three." Harrison said as his hands went to the the baby's crown -- more was appearing. "One, two, three. . . push!"

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