• 29. The Story That Followed After •

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It had been a week since Jazmyn had been introduced to Adrianna and all three had clicked instantly. They always met up in between classes, chilled out after school either at the mall, or at the field of their school.

Michael had told them that it was too dangerous for her to be around the pack house at a time like this. And that she'd have to visit at a time when everything was settled.

"She's so cool... and she's very feisty—but only to other people, not to us." Janice said to Zachary and Dominic, who had been playing virtual table tennis.

"Cool enough to be my friend, feisty enough to be my rival—but who knows?" Adrianna said, flipping through a People magazine. "Ah, LaToya Williams wore a dress made by Rianna Delroux... nice."

"She actually reminds me of you a lot, Domi." Janice said watching the ball bounce back and forth.

Dominic chuckled lightly. "She's cool with me then—Wow! Zachary, this is the third time I win you this week. You can read minds, cant you see future decisions in a way?"

"Although I can read your mind, I do not have premonition." Zachary said running a hand through his hair it had been a good thing that he was wearing sunglasses, because he looked at Janice every few seconds.

She had been smelling really nice to him, and he knew—from what his mother told him—that one could smell their mate, and that he could still do it since he was half wolf. Also, because he was a vampire, his senses were heightened, which is why this was throwing him off a little.

Has the moon goddess decided to give him a second mate? It was very rare for that to happen—actually below .01%.

He was still confused, however. His father told him that when a vampire senses their mate, they want to kill them... But since Zachary was a hybrid, it was very hard to determine what would happen.

Regardless of anything, if he was to be Janice's second chance mate, he would be ecstatic. Not only would he tell Dominic about what Adriel had done (in which they would both make him suffer), he would also have a chance to share his life with his first love.

Oh, he wished he could speak to his father about this right now. His mother would be great to speak of this to, too, but he was questioning his vampire side right now.

"Hey kids, let's head out into the meadow now?" Yvanna announced as she peeked her head into the game room. She looked around until she saw both Dominic and Janice. "You're mother is already out back."

I need to escape. I need to get out. Zachary heard, causing for him to look around. Whoever that voice belonged to, she seemed to be getting closer to them, and he could hear Michael's suspicious thoughts also.

All of the teens, and Dominic, looked at each other, then towards the door, where Yvanna looked questioningly, then finally towards the window—in which they broke heading towards the meadow.

"And we just got that replaced. Great." She said, heading towards the backyard.


~a few moments before~

"I've been wanting to get in contact with James these past few days." Michael said as he kicked over a rock. He looked up at Alexander, who watched his son lay down on the grass and take in the sun.

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