5. The Story That Followed After

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"Mrmph, five more minutes. . ." He trailed off as he snuggled into the pillow he held.

Yvanna's breath came out haggard as she opened up her hands and pushed against his arm; there was no use — he barely moved an inch.

"Adrian, I have contractions — think I'm in labor, I don't know." She whimpered and another jolt of pain passed through the lowest part of her abdomen. She bit her lower lip and refrained from crying out.

"You're not in labor. . . Hmph . . . Little me. . ." He had said, dozily. He had even lifted up his hand slightly and patted her hand.

Maybe the baby didn't like it, or maybe Yvanna was about to die, because the longest wave of cramps ran through her. It felt as if a train was continuously trying to ram against her body.

She clutched at the bottom of her belly and cried out in pain. "Adrian, I'm having the baby!" She had hollered. She must have woken the whole house — it was three in the morning — but, in a second, Adrian stood up on his bed, blue eyes wide awake and trailing over her.

"You're in labor?! Why didn't you try to wake me up?" He had asked her in an incredulous tone.

"You think I didn't—" She cut herself off and tears escaped through her eyes as cramps passed again. In a weak voice, she whimpered, "Adrian, please. It hurts so much."

He jumped off of the bed and quickly carried her bridal style, ignoring the fact that his left arm was damp and cold.

The sound of footsteps were heard and Adrian could already sense Michael at his door.

"Open the door, Michael. My hands are full."  He had said and it was done. Yvanna cried out in pain again. She felt like she was dying — did every mother feel like this?

"Sh, sh. Don't worry, we're almost gone." Adrian said as he came out of the room. Michael, all signs of sleepiness wiped off of his face, turned to Yvanna and said, "Amanda is downstairs already with Dominic. Diana and Alexander are on their way."

"Michael, I just want to get down there already." Yvanna had begged, another cry coming out as another wave passed through her.

As Adrian walked down with Yvanna in his arms, some of the pack members — some in pajamas, others just getting in —  had looked over at the three who rushed towards the clinic.

"Think about it, you'll have another me in your arms in no time." Adrian tried to lighten up the mood. It had worked for half a second — she smiled for that amount, then scrunched her face up in pain after.

"Adrian, smiling. . . hurts." She whimpered out.

Soon, she had been stripped out of her clothes and dressed in a hospital gown. She held onto Adrian's and Amanda's hand. Dominic tugged at his father's sweatpants — he had been tired, dazed by his Aunt's crying, and confused at why everybody was here. What was happening?

"I'm here—we're here." Diana had bursted into the doors and glided over next to Adrian. She patted him reassuringly, then reached to wipe away the beaded sweat on Yvanna's face. Alexander also walked in, with Arnelle wide awake in his arms.

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