« 15. The Story That Followed After »

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"I mean, I don't know why you hang out with her. She is weird, and way too socially awkward." One of the girls that sat at the lunch table voiced out. She had sipped some of the carton milk that was provided by the school and with her other hand twisted the ends of her hair.

Adrianna finished painting her pinky nail and closed the bottle. She then leaned more into the direction of the girl that just spoke and slightly narrowed her eyes.

"Listen, darling. The girl you're talking about? She's the Alpha's daughter. I doubt you want to be on his bad side, huh?" She asked, mocking a soft tone, as if she had hiding her anger. She was. "Oh, and the Luna, which you would know is his mate and her mother, has got a very short temper. Hm, her brother, you know, Dominic—the future Alpha and warrior wolf? He's very over protective—his little sister is his diamond."

The girl, along with some of the other students sitting around her, had gaping mouths—some looked at the girl with anger in their faces.

"Oh, and she's got two girl best friends that aren't afraid to kick some butt." She finished off as she stood from the lunch table. Half of the table also stood up as she did.


"But, what if her vote was important for you winning prom queen?" Janice asked as she sat cross legged on a chair. Her nose slightly scrunched at the smell of nail polish lingering in the air. "Did you just paint your nails?"

Adrianna blew on her nails as she leaned against the desk. Students around them were chatting happily about moving on to high school and prom. The substitute that covered for their Social Studies teacher sat at the desk, animatedly talking to the students about how he studied abroad in Samoa.

"Yes, I did." Adrianna answered. Then, she rolled her eyes. "And, so what? I'd really rather not have her vote—she is so fake. Don't you remember how she was all smiles and asking you to basically do her work?"

Janice opened her mouth to discontinue Adrianna from saying anything—but when could that really happen?

"What do I look like, asking for a favor from somebody who was bashing my best friend?" Adrianna asked as blew on her nails again. "If it were up to me, I'd totally shift into my wolf and scare her pantsless. Unfortunately, Uncle Mike said we couldn't do that."

Janice giggled as she placed some of her hair behind her ear and stacked her papers. "I don't think 'pantsless' is really a word—but I understood you. And plus, you know dad has a good reason behind it—some humans don't know we exist. I know that she did, but we do have a mix that don't. So..."

The bell rang and the children began to pack there stuff up.

"It's crazy, though. Don't think? We live among humans—they're in our pack house and even our mother's are human!" Adrianna said excitedly. She then looked at Janice and raised an eyebrow. "Hey, do you think that our grandparents knew that our father's are werewolves?"

Janice scratched the back of her head awkwardly, remembering when her mother had told the group about them and how different she had been after. Zachary and Janice shared worried looks every five minutes whenever Amanda would zone out at times.

"Being honest, Adrianna, I don't know." She answered with as she shrugged her shoulders. "I can tell you that—"

"Twin!" They both heard once they entered the hallway. Right before them, Adriel stood in all his glory—well to Janice, Adrianna just rolled her eyes as she walked up to her brother.

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