1. The Story That Followed After

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"Congratulations, Diana. You've given birth to the future Ga--" Harrison cut himself short when he saw the true gender of the baby.

"She's a girl." Diana let out softly, her throat dry from screaming so many times. She looked up at Alexander, who had been holding her hand the whole time, to see his steel-blue eyes look back at her with surprise.

She smiled, her face tired, and nodded towards the baby. Cut the cord.

Alexander jumped to life and let go of Diana's hand, passed  by a shocked Michael, and walked over to Harrison, who handed him the surgical scissors and cut the umbilical cord.

Michael had gone over to place the blue cap on the baby girl and also a warm blanket. He walked over with the quiet baby and handed her over to Diana.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Michael said as Diana held on to her little girl.


"Arnelle." Diana said as Amanda came in with Dominic, his eyes closed as he'd been dozing off. She had asked what was the baby's name.

"Where is she?" Yvanna asked as she wrapped arms and looked at Diana. She had been sad, she wanted a child with Adrian. She couldn't understand how she, the first to get intimate with him, still hadn't been pregnant yet.

Diana nodded to the left of her, where the boys had been huddled around Alexander, who was holding his baby girl and smiling down at her. Adrian kept covering his eyes and uncovering them, then frowned when the baby girl's hazel green eyes stared unfazed at his antics.

"She's too serious already. Seems like she's already got you in her, Alex." Adrian joked. Alexander smirked and shook his head sideways. Michael tilted his head towards the baby girl and thought to himself, What power will she hold?

"Yesterday, the Elders came and told me that it would be OK to tell you everything." Diana had said as she looked at her two best friends.

This peaked the guys interest and they looked at her, each with a questioning look.

"They told me that a girl being born first was very rare, then, they told me that every girl born first had a certain power and that she was going to have a strong power." She told them. Then she cleared her throat and looked to the side, first towards Alexander, then down at Arnelle, who stared straight back at her. "They told me I had to protect her. They said something about how a war is going to break out and she'd be something big in there."

Alexander instinctively held his daughter closer, then reached down to wrap her tiny fingers around his.

Michael turned around and walked towards Diana. "We've got to train harder now, more than ever. If the Elders told you that something big is coming, then we must be more vigilant and stronger. Did Marcus say, by any means, who we will be going against?"

Diana shook her head slowly, "I, I don't remember. I just remember him telling me that there will be a war and that she will be important."

Michael sighed but only nodded his head. "I have to go hold a meeting now."

"I'll come with you, Michael." Amanda told him as she stood up with Dominic in her arms.

"Uh, we'll all go with you." Yvanna said, quickly standing up. "We should leave these recently made parents alone."

Adrian caressed the baby girl's cheek before ruffling Alexander's hair and walking off. He held out his hand to Yvanna and she accepted it.

As they all left the room, Alexander continued to play with Arnelle. He looked up at Diana and smiled at her. She gave him a tired grin. He stood up and walked over to her.

"She has your eyes." He told her as he handed the baby to Diana. "She looks just like you."

"But she's going to be just like you." Diana said as she looked into her daughter's eyes. "She was so quiet when she came out -- that screams 'Alexander'."

She looked up at him with a playful smile and he chuckled lightly, bending down to kiss the top of her head.

He caressed Diana's hair while he looked at Arnelle.

"I won't let anyone touch her, Diana. That's definitely a promise." Alexander let out. Diana looked up at him with a slight pout and nodded her head in agreement.

"I just hope we don't hold her in for too long. I want her to breathe outside, Alexander." She said as she looked down at Arnelle, whose eyes glued to the ceiling. Diana pulled her up and kissed her tenderly on her forehead. "Those rebellious years would be a good one."

Alexander chuckled. "She won't be rebellious — at least, not on my watch."

Diana let out a giggle and shook her head as she softly hugged Arnelle.

Her family, it was her family.


The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now