• 32. The Story That Followed After •

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"Okay. Who the hell is this Arnelle chick? You guys are always talking about her." Jazmyn asked as she tied up her curls into a messy bun.

Janice turned to look up at Jazmyn with a small smile and said, "She's like our cousin."

"Like a cousin? So not related?"

Adrianna laid her head across Jazmyn's lap and rolled her eyes. "Obviously not, but she is like our family."

Jazymn raised an eyebrow and tilted her head sideways. "You really gonna talk to me like that when your in this position?"

Adrianna only rolled her eyes again and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

Jazmyn sucked her teeth and went to say something, but Janice quickly stepped in and said, "Come on girls, let's not start."

She was like the mother of the group, and both Jazmyn and Adrianna had been like bickering sisters. They loved to do that.

"Let's talk about something else." She continued, going over to the flat rock that the girls had been on, and sat down.

"Like how you're turning eighteen in two days?" Jazmyn asked, her lips forming into a scowl.

She was still hurt over the fact that she couldn't attend her friend's 18th birthday party. She had grown so close to the two of them, and to know that she wouldn't be able to celebrate such an important date, with her first close friend, killed her.

"Well, we're going to have a spa day. All of us girls, together that day." Janice said as she smiled softly at her, heading over to sit down next to her. She placed an arm around Jazmyn's neck and pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head. "My mom, Adrianna's mom, Arnelle, her mom and Zoë, and—"

She cut herself short before she could say Liana's name. Her brother's mate was rarely seen around the house, and was harder to find. She would often hear him talk to Zachary about how bad it felt to not have his mate close to him, to know that she was sleeping uncomfortably, when she could have been sleeping comfortably with him.

"Janice." Jazmyn cut her off, the scowl deepening. However, before Janice could chime in, Adrianna sat up straight and gave her friend a lazy glare before saying, "Ugh, come on Jazmyn! Who wouldn't want to have a spa day? My body is already feeling that massage."

Jazmyn gave her a flat look and said, "Yo, I swear you love to pamper yourself." She then turned to Janice and asked, "How are you friends with her?"

Janice gave her a sheepish smile and shrugged her shoulders. "Both of you are crazy, but I love you guys for it."

"And, by the way, you'd love Arnelle." Adrianna asked as she stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "You two would compliment each other—"

"Very well." Janice said, laughing. Her smile faltered as she saw Adriel walking down the hallway with a couple girls behind him. He had been laughing at one of things that a girl said, and another had been feeing up his arm, but he politely moved it away from him.

Jazmyn looked to the side and rolled her eyes. Then looked towards Janice and said, "Girl, why don't you just—"

"Ugh, I'm hungry. You guys want to get something from the vending machines downstairs?" Adrianna asked as she pulled her friends up to their feet. Her twin looked towards their way and waved before walking away from them.

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now