• 31. The Story That Followed After •

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"Oh, hello Arnelle! Nice seeing you around." Brandon greeted as he pushed the door open further, letting Arnelle come it. "Cris is cooking in the kitchen. Did you eat already?"

Arnelle smiled lightly as she entered her comfort zone. "Hey, Brandon. I ate already so don't worry about me. Is Rob not here?"

"How do you always seem to know, Arnelle?" Brandon asked as he turned around and put a hand on the top of her back, pushing her forward lightly. "It's like you've got the sixth sense."

She chuckled nervously and shrugged her shoulders. "Something like that."

"Okay, well he's working now. You know, at the little phone repair shop he proudly owns." He brought her into the kitchen, where she saw Cris looking out the window. His long, curly hair reached past his shoulders and back muscles flexed as he stretched out.

She almost sighed in happiness and walked to him, then hugged him from behind. He jumped slightly before turning around to see her and smiled brightly.

They'd been dating for 6 years, ever since she was fifteen. A couple months after they met. The first, and only, person she had told was Zachary, but it was against her wishes anyway because of his ability to read minds. The only other person that knew, by mistake, had been Dominic, and he obviously didn't approve of that relationship.

But he didn't talk about them after the fight they had years ago, she was barely close with the kids in her pack anymore.

"I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Brandon said before turning around and leaving the room. They heard him head up the stairs and shut the door to his room.

"Oh, how I missed you—but, it's pretty late. Do your parents know that your out?" He asked her as he searched her face and kissed her lips lightly.

She blushed slightly after he'd done so. He made her feel so... light. She wasn't herself around him, but she didn't care. She'd rather be lightheaded and nervous than cold and distant with Cris.

"Hehe. You do remember that I'm 21, Cristopher?" She asked him as she hugged him and cuddled into his chest. He didn't emit body heat as much as she did, but his heartbeat warmed her completely. Goddess, why couldn't you make him my mate?

There she went again. Thinking about that word and what it meant. She didn't like to talk about it, because as much as she knew, and said, that she didn't have a wolf, and that she would never find one...deep, deep down in he heart, a little piece always dreamed of a mate.

"Yeah, I know that, Arnelle. We went stargazing for your birthday." He told her, then chuckled deeply as a memory ran through his head. "You were so happy that day, it made my day."

She snuggled into his chest again and he laughed again. "Really?"

"Of course. I love that about you. Your enthusiasm skyrockets through the roof when we involve anything with space."

"I like space." She told him, smiling widely. Then she shook her head and pulled away from him, staring deep down into those beautiful brown eyes of his. "And enthusiastic? I have you know that my parents think otherwise."

His smile softened and so did hers, because she knew what was coming next. "I would know if I met them."

She scowled lightly and let go of him before going to turn around. "I'm sorry, Cris, but it's just—"

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now