6. The Story That Followed After

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"Why does she have a power like that?" Michael had asked, more to himself, as he moved the documents away from Arnelle – who was doodling away on some papers.

"The ability to resurrect somebody. . . I don't get it either, Michael." Alexander had said as he sat down on the seat before the desk and ran a hand through his hair.

After Yvanna had come back, Adrian had carefully placed Dominic down, then hugged her closely. Arnelle had crawled away, then jumped into Michael's arms and shouted, 'I woke up Auntie!'

When everything sunk in, Amanda had scoffed and laughed – tears still shined in her eyes – and lightly hit Yvanna's shoulder. 'I totally hate you right now.'

Everybody besides Michael, Alexander, and Arnelle, were in the twins room, gushing over them and joking with Yvanna.

"That means that something big is for a fact, coming." Michael said as he shook his head slowly. "I've always taken an Elder's word seriously, even when Diana had told us — but seeing that Arnelle holds such a power, which she can control, I know that this is serious."

"They'll find out, Michael. I can't have her as a target." Alexander had said as he stood up and went over to Arnelle, who smiled up at him and picked up the pen. Michael had known the 'they' that he had been referring to, and suggested, "We need to keep her closed in. We wouldn't know who exactly would try to take advantage of her power."

Alexander nodded his head in agreement. Anything to keep his little girl safe. "Do you think that's why she doesn't have a wolf?"

Michael sighed and ran a hand over his face. "She might be a late bloomer, Alex. However, I highly doubt that she would have one since she might be able to heal or resurrect herself. The Goddess wouldn't place her in a situation that she can't handle."

Alexander nodded his head, another question lingered in the air. "How about Adrian's daughter? Is she going to have an ability?"

Michael shook his head sideways. "His son was born first. The only reason that both Mya and Nya have abilities is because they are identical twins."

Alexander nodded in understanding. He felt a little tickle on his forearm and looked down to see that Arnelle had been drawing on him the entire time.

When he pulled away from her, she looked up and pouted at him. "I dwaw flowa, Daddy!"

Alexander turned his arm to get a better look of this 'flower'. Michael let out a soft chuckle when they saw the lines and boxes that she drew.

"I like how it looks, baby. How about you draw a flower on Uncle Michael's arm." He said with a soft smile. "He loves flowers."

Arnelle gasped and looked up at Michael in surprise. "Weally?!" She clapped her hands together and bounce on the table. "Lemme dwaw, pwease!"

Michael let out a dry laugh and gave Alexander a pointed look before holding out his arm. Arnelle gladly accepted and started to work on her masterpiece.

Alexander smiled as he turned to the door. "I'll be going to the girls for a moment. I'll be back."

"Ok – ow, Arnelle. That hurt." Michael had mocked pain as he hovered his hand over the pen. It was a funny sight, seeing someone as serious as Michael look carefree around children.

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