« 17. The Story That Followed After »

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You know, she doesn't have a wolf, so she can't really shift with us. She walks so slow.

Come one, Adrianna. She only doesn't have a wolf because she was born first—you can't blame her for that.

Adrianna's golden wolf moved her head in disapproval. I offered her to ride on my back, but she said noo. Now, we're walking at her pace!

Janice's dark red wolf whimpered, obviously not content with Adrianna's answer. Come on, girl. Just stick with it.

"You guys do know that although I don't have a wolf, I can still hear you guys through mind-link, right?" Arnelle growled as she rolled her eyes. They had been talking about that for the past ten minutes.

Adrianna raised her nose in the air. It was intended for you to hear. You are really slow. Back me up, Janice.

Oh no, I am not going to get into this one.

"Also to remind you, I still have my strength, idiot. And, I have your clothes in my hand. Adrianna, I can easily rip this blouse to shreds." Adrianna growled and Arnelle bit back a smile. "Plus, I don't know why you two shifted, I said you didn't have to."

It's because dad—

And your dad, too. Adrianna cut off.

Yes, and Uncle Alex said that we have to be in our strongest form when we're around you. Janice said and Arnelle groaned.

"I don't understand why I have this power, sometimes." Arnelle said as she looked at her hands. "The power to give life? What good can I do with that?"

You brought my mom back to life, maybe that. Adrianna pointed out.

"Ok, besides that." Arnelle said as she went back to that memory. She held on tighter to the clothing and shook her head. "I feel as if I'm being overly protected. I understand that I don't have a wolf and everything, but I know how to defend myself."

Maybe it's something bigger than that. Janice said as her wolf jumped over a rock.

Arnelle pursed her lips. In the frequent visits that she had from the Elder's, she'd always ask what she would be important for. Marcus always told her that she was not ready to hear it.

The smell of a human scent filled all of their noses and they paused for a moment.

"We're here." She said and the girls nodded, shifting back into their human form. Adrianna had worn her white blouse and leggings, slipping on her white sandals. Janice had put on a black dress and her dark red cardigan over, then put on her flat black oxfords.

Arnelle had been underdressed, wearing a black Nike tracksuit with white nike low tops. Her father had joked to her that she would have fallen great with the teenagers from her mother's era. Apparently, track suits were a fashionable statement. Arnelle chose this as her own.

They came into view with a huge cabin. There were three cars parked where needed and all were more on the pricey side.

"Goddess, I can't wait till I drive." Adrianna said as she marveled the cars. "Do you know that these cars could adjust to temperature and freaking drive themselves? But, like, avoiding crashes themselves, not that other b.s."

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