« 18. The Story That Followed After »

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"Can somebody ever come back into contact with their wolf, even if they weren't born with one?"

Michael looked up from some papers that he had been reading. He then placed them down and folded his hands together, looking at his son with a questioning look. "Not that I know of, no."

"But, it has to exist in there. It's not like somebody can have the qualities of a wolf and not shift into one." Dominic began as he sat down on the chair across from his father's desk. He frowned as he remembered what he had said to Arnelle, and how she had given him the cold shoulder ever since. "You can be strong like a wolf and have heightened senses. . . Why can't you come into contact with your wolf?"

"Dominic. My father is a paraplegic who lost his wolf after Sarah, Marianne's late mother, killed it. She stabbed his back twice with a silver knife. He couldn't shift, he couldn't move—he couldn't do anything." Dominic widened his eyes at the new information about his grandfather. Michael shook his head sideways. "Now, we don't know why Arnelle doesn't have a wolf—since I'm guessing that's why you brought it up—because Nya and Mya have wolves, but, Marianne doesn't. The only one who has the answer to that question is the Moon Goddess herself. I can't give you that sort of detail because I have no knowledge towards it."

Dominic placed his elbow on the arm of the chair, then rested his chin on the palm of his hand, letting out a deep sigh.

"Well, at least tell me: Why has Arnelle been ignoring both you and Zachary for the past week?" Michael asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Come to think of it, she has been avoiding the pack house in general, as what Alexander told me. You didn't do anything to her, did you?"

Dominic let out a groan and covered his face with both of his hands. "I said a few words to her and hurt her feelings, it's nobody else's fault but mine."

"Why did you say those words? And what exactly were they?"

"Zachary and I were looking all over for the girls—we didn't want to bring the adults in because we thought that we'd find them on our own. . . They were at this cabin about half an hour away from here—even though it only took us five minutes to get there—and it was full of guys. . . Well, three." Dominic frowned, not paying attention to the change in his father's face. "Well, two were, like, your age or mom's, and one was our age. . . Anyway, when we got out, my anger got the best of me, like always, and I. . . kind of lashed out and kind of brought out the fact that she didn't have a wolf."

"I hope you've learned from that, Dominic. Although she doesn't have a wolf, she can definitely fight. . . But, tell me. There are people living in that cabin?"

Dominic nodded his head. "Zachary got it out of Adrianna and Janice. They said that mom knew one of the guy's that lived there. He said his name was familiar."

Michael's eyebrows furrowed together and he bit the inside of his cheek. "Do you remember the name?"

"I, well. . ." His son started while he scratched his cheek thoughtfully. "I think his name was something like Bran—"

"Brandon?" Michael cut off, a bit taken aback. How would Brandon be able to buy something that had been owned by Yvanna's father? Wasn't his mind erased also?

"He was your mother's best friend, but the Elder's erased his memories of her." He explained to his son, who nodded slowly.

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