9. The Story that Followed After

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"I just. . . I can't. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep on. Knowing that I got to live and she. . . She. . ."

"Sh, sh." Yvanna said as she caressed Nya's legs over the comforter. Diana wrapped her arm around Nya's shoulders and pulled her in for a hug.

"Mya's death was unfortunate, Nya." Amanda started, her voice kept guarded. She went around to sit down next to Nya and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We're very sorry for your loss. And we wish everything didn't have to end so crucially."

She raised her hand to caress Nya's hair, causing her to fall into Amanda's chest and begin to sob.

Amanda continued the action, Diana laid on Nya's shoulder and Yvanna sat closer to them.

"A-and the fact that my mate... He's a vampire..." Nya chocked out as she wiped her eyes. She chocked out another sob. "Everything is just so crazy!"

Amanda shook her head, then sat up in realization.

"That little fucker." She growled out as she shook her head.

'I wonder what he's doing here, however.'

'Go to the nursery, Amanda. I have to speak to Adrian and Alexander.'

That was the reason why he ignored that statement. He didn't want to accept the fact that one of his pack members was mated to a vampire.

"What's wrong, Luna?" Nya asked as she looked up. Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose was swollen as she continued to sniffle and her jaw was quivering. "Have you seen James, too?"

"James?" Amanda questioned, and his face suddenly appeared in her thoughts. "Oh. That's his name?"

It stood quiet in the room and Amanda finally understood what Nya meant by 'Have you seen James, yet?'

"Oh." She said as she shook her head.

"Still so slow." Yvanna muttered under her breath.

Amanda sent her a glare, then turned back down to Nya. "No. I wasn't talking about James. The only time I talked to him was...actually...I haven't talked to him. I only saw him when he was holding you."

"How am I supposed to love him? How am I supposed to have him as my mate?" Nya asked as another tear rolled down her cheek.

"I know it's a lot for you to take in, Nya." Amanda started as she caressed Nya's cheek. "But, I don't think he's a horrible person. I believe that he's here for a reason, but it's not to hurt you."

"Or you?" Nya asked.

"Or us." Yvanna corrected. She took over after that. "Adrian had told me that the Elders had stopped the pack from attacking him. He's not here to hurt us, Nya. He's here to help us."

Nya closed her eyes and pulled away from Amanda, then fell back to the headboard. Diana sat up from her position and bit her lower lip.

Nya shook her head twice before letting out a long sigh. She wanted to cry another long river, but there was a barrier that stopped her from doing so.

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now