« 25. The Story That Followed After »

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Arnelle felt something hit the back of her head and she shook her head, continuing to watch a YouTube video called "Top 25 Mystical Creatures that May Have Lived!"

"Arnelle, why are you watching something that you already know is true?" Dominic asked as he continued to throw popcorn at her. He watched the view of a mystical fairy, and she flipped him off.

"Maybe I wanted to see what this was." She told him as she turned to lightly glare at him. He smiled at her and jumped over the couch to sit next to her. "Do you mind if I watch it with you?" He asked as his brown eyes smiled with mischief.

Arnelle breathed through her nose and locked the iPad. She then crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Dominic.

"My full-on attention is on you now. Why do you want to bother me today?" She asked him as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. Dominic laughed lightly and chucked a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"I can't watch an... informational video with you?" He asked with a bright smile and Arnelle shook her head sideways.

"Dominic, you don't watch these videos. You talk throughout the whole thing and then you ask me what the video was about." Arnelle said as she placed her iPad down and hugged her legs close to her chest.

He frowned at her and threw another popcorn chip at her. Her leg shot out and kicked him right when he was about to throw another one, hissing out, "Stop it, you idiot."

Then, Zachary appeared in the seat in between them. He had placed Arnelle's leg on his lap and took the bowl of popcorn away from Dominic.

"Thank goddess you're here, Zachary. Arnelle looks like she's about to murder someone." Dominic said as he sent Arnelle a wide smile.

"You better thank her for prohibiting me from murdering you." Arnelle grumbled out as she leaned over and began to play with Zachary's hair.

"Mother told me that you two were getting close to arguing, so I came here to stop it." Zachary said as he went to lean on Arnelle's lap. She continued to play with his hair.

"Are you sure your mother doesn't have the precognition?" Arnelle asked and Zachary gave her a small chuckle.

"No, she just feels as if you two are a married couple sometimes. That is what she told me." Zachary answered, and he laughed when the two let out a disgusted sound.

"Ew. I don't want to emphasize how weird it would be to marry Arnelle." Dominic said as he shivered. "She's so coldhearted and distant, not at all like she was when she was younger."

"And you've got a nasty temper in addition to that big head of yours." Arnelle said as she blew him a kiss.

Zachary chuckled again as he leaned more into Arnelle's touch. "It would not matter, however. You are with Cristopher anyway."

"Wait, what?" Dominic asked and Arnelle's hands slowly began to stop with the caresses.

"You're still seeing that human boy?" Dominic asked a frown now evident in his face. Zachary sat up slowly and looked over at Arnelle. She did not tell him about Cristopher?

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now