• 38. The Story That Followed After •

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"... In the recent attack, Gabriel told me that they came in from this direction..." Michael began as he circled the North western side of Montreal, towards Terrebonne.

"And when they attacked us, they also attacked from the North." He continued, as he circled where they resided.

"So, are you saying that their sanctuary, or wherever they come from, is somewhere up there?" Adrian asked as he looked at the map. There were a couple red circles on the map. "Because then that wouldn't make sense with the some of the other packs."

"You're right, Adrian." Michael began, waving his hand towards both the East and the West coast. "The closer you are to water, than land, then they come at you from that way. But, imagine if you're in the middle of the nation..."

"They attack from all sides." Alexander finished. He stood up from the windowsill and walked towards the map. "Now, there is a question rising here. If they are coming, then should we expect them to be in that direction? It's not like rouges, who want to fight in open spaces, like the meadow."

"So, shouldn't there be a couple of people at almost each point of the border? With a warrior besides them?" Amanda had asked as she spun around in Michael's seat.

"At this point, Amanda, the border is filled with vigilantes and a warrior to help behind them." Adrian explained, and she stopped spinning to bring her head back.

"This is stressful." was all she said before hanging her head low. At the moment, they were trying to figure out a way on how to be ready for the attack, just in case James or Riley wouldn't get there on time.

It was frustrating because it was as if they were jumping into a dark pit, not knowing what was waiting for them at the bottom.

"Emmanuel." Michael asked as he turned towards him. "Did their messenger ever tell you when they would be here?"

Emmanuel's eyes slightly widened and he sank back into his seat. Being brought out of his thoughts about Alina, then having someone else mention her, caught him off guard. He worried for her. He wonder what had happened after they parted their ways that night.

"She had said that they should be here before the end of this week." He answered, remembering the brief conversation they had about them before their mating ritual began. "They were looking for leads on who's behind the attacks."

Michael nodded his head and looked him over for a while. Emmanuel squirmed just a bit before looking away, and Michael turned back around to the map.

"The thing now, is that we have to go to the Toronto and Montreal pack." He said, pointing to the two cities. "Toronto, up to date, has remained untouched. We need them to help if they decide to attack again. They can be a residing pack if something goes wrong."

"Is the second one to move Montreal over to Toronto?" Yvanna had asked. She had been surprisingly quiet the entire talk, along with Diana and Emmanuel who seemed to be in their own world, but attentive at the same time.

Michael cracked a small smile at that. "Things like that aren't easy, Yvanna. There's no such thing as two Alpha's running a pack. It creates an imbalance." He explained, then turned back to the map. "Since we have a strong treaty with the Montreal pack, we have to them them that James and Riley will help them train as well."

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now