• 30. The Story That Followed After •

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Liana only spoke to Zoë within the pack. She stayed at her hip most of the time. She averted any type of contact with anybody from the pack house and only left when it was late and time to sleep.

She avoided Dominic at all times, although it was hard for her, too, since he could find her just about anywhere.

A warrior wolf? What is that? She thought to herself as she sharpened her daggers together while she watched Zoë and the girl next to her training on something.

"So that's Marianne's kid? Why do you trust her?" Adrian asked as he laid against the tree and saw the young girl sitting on a branch in a tree.

"Don't assume that shit." Michael said as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her hard. "The only reason she stays here is only because Zoë said that she won't hurt anybody if she's there."

"So, we're going to just ignore the fact that she's Dominic's mate?" Adriel asked. He looked at Alexander, who shook his head slowly with an amusing smirk on his face.

"I'm not ignoring that." Michael let out, uncrossing his arms and placing his hands into his pockets.

"You know, a lot of the things that you don't like are happening." Alexander said, looking towards his two best friends. Michael looked at him questioningly and Adrian clapped his hands together, then rubbed them.

"You're right. First Henry and Marianne, then Nya and James—now it's your son and Marianne's daughter. Life's great, isn't it?"

Michael looked at Adrian and Alexander with a glare. "How would you two feel if your kids were mates with someone you disliked?"

"Well, you know me, Mike. I try to be nice to everybody, so..." Adrian trailed off with a shrug. Michael rolled his eyes and Alexander chuckled.

"I have a high feeling that I won't go through that with mine." Alex said leaning on the tree trunk while he watched his daughter. "If she's gotta wait this long, it probably means that he's definitely the perfect match for her."

"Oh my goddess. Alexander Collins, everyone. A hopeless romantic." Adrian said, earning a hit to the head from Alexander.


James shook his head as he took a vampire and ripped her head off from her body.

She had been there during the time that his soulmate lost her twin. Although she does not like to show it, he knows that she still hurts.

Some were beginning to draw closer, meaning that the fight was to begin soon.

They're not ready. He thought to himself, thinking back to the pack. They weren't ready at all, yet.

"James, that girl could have had a family." He heard a man with an English accent say behind him. He turned around to see the man with gold eyes and soft black hair styled back walk towards him. His lips were curved up into a smirk as he stood before him.

He didn't wear dark, dressy clothing with a cloak like James did. His clothing was more casual—a white shirt with a dark green jacket, dark red pants and white sneakers.

He liked to go with the new styles, even though both he and James were the same age.

"That is something that I would have said if I had a heart for these things." He finished, looking at the mangled body beginning to turn black.

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now