« 13. The Story That Followed After »

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"At least we have heightened senses at night."

"At least we're not as weak when it comes down to silver."

"At least we can heal faster. And we're much stronger."

"I don't have to worry about that, I can heal on my own. And plus, Dominic's a warrior wolf, in case you forgot, he is strong."


"Adrian. Are you really arguing with a fifteen-year-old?"

Adrian looked up at Michael and shook his head. "No, not 'arguing'. Just explaining the pros of being a full werewolf." He then turned to the teen and smirked. "Plus, she started it."

"Did not," Arnelle kicked in before Michael could stop them from continuing, "he came up to me and said 'Arnelle, do you want to know why being a werewolf is better than being a hybrid?' And I said 'Sure, why not?'"

Adrian chuckled and Arnelle crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at Michael with a questioning look.

Michael placed thumb pad and middle finger on his temples and rubbed them hard as he sighed. "Arnelle, where is your father?"

"He's coming in a few minutes, he was picking up AJ from elementary." She responded, then she ran a hand through her hair. "He said that he was going to stop by Modell's, or something, to buy AJ a bat—"

"Hey dad!" Dominic said as he walked up to the four. He looked at Adrian, who held his hand out for a high-five and gave it to him, then looked at Arnelle. "Hey, little one."

"Just because your head's touching your dad's shoulder right now, doesn't mean I wont be able to do the same, too!" She huffed as she turned around and walked down the stairs.

She was 4'11" at this point, but she knew she was going to get to grow soon. She was constantly picked on because of her size by her friends, but mostly by Dominic and Zachary.

The only person who didn't was Gabriel, but he wasn't there all the time!

"Heya, pipsqueak!" She heard from behind her. When she jabbed her elbow backwards, of course she felt nothing but air.

And when she blinked her eyes, she was suddenly face-to-chest with the owner of the voice.

"The older you get, the slower your response." Zachary said as he smiled. He took two steps back so that she could look up at him. He took off the sunglasses that blocked his eyes from the sunlight, and soon two gold orbs looked at her. "Why is that?"

"Your annoyance overpowers my speed." She pointed out with a straight face.

A smile spread on his face and Arnelle clenched her jaw. After a short second, she couldn't hold it back and a smile spread on her face also.

"There we go!" He let out as he bent down to hug her. He then whispered in her ear, "Do you want to go make out?"

Arnelle moved her arms as wide apart as possible and tried, but failed, to shake out of his grasp.

"Ew, Zach. That's nasty and you're two years younger than me. Don't forget that."

He laughed as he pulled away from her and ran a hand through his hair. "I am only kidding, Arnelle. Learn how to take a joke, sweetheart." He then bent a little lower and whispered, "Plus, I would never disrespect my treasure."

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now