7. The Story That Followed After

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"Dominic, come back here." Amanda said as she turned around to grab Dominic by the top of his ear.

"Mommy, mommy!" He cried out as he placed his hands over his ear. Arnelle widened her eyes and rushed over to Dominic and tugged at Amanda's dress.

"Auntie, Auntie! Not his fault, Auntie! My fault!" She cried out with him.

"I know. Which is why I'm beating both of your behinds. You—" she started as se looked at Arnelle. "I told you I can't walk quickly and you still continued to walk into the forest." She held Arnelle's hand with her free hand, then turned to Dominic, "And you, you not only agreed with her and cheered her on, you pushed the baby carriage and almost dropped the twins." She pulled his ear a little more, she knew it didn't hurt him much, but Dominic still never stayed calm when she did that—he knew she was serious. "When I tell you to come back and help me, you come back and help—"

"Amanda?" Diana voiced out as she and Yvanna came into view. They were all outside and were on their way to the meadow to train with the boys.

"Diana, you need to give Arnelle a timeout after the training." Amanda voiced out in irritation.

"What did she do? Breathe the wrong way?" Yvanna joked as she walked over to her twins. She smiled and cooed at them and they both giggled along with her.

"No. She ran into the forest and Dominic ran after her—almost knocked down the carriage in the process."

Diana frowned at Arnelle and raised her hand. "Come here, Arnelle."

Yvanna scoffed and gave Dominic a scowl. "Dominic, don't do that again. You hear me?"

He sniffled and nodded his head quickly. "I sowwy! I sowwy."

Before Arnelle could come to Diana, the boys entered, each with a look of worry on their faces.

"Great. You're here, Michael. Tell your son—"

"We have to get you girls somewhere safe. Now." Michael cut off as he nodded his head and about three wolves appeared from behind the trees. He looked up at the sky to see that dusk was falling rapidly.

"What is going on, Michael?" Yvanna asked as she slowly stood up from the double carriage. Adrianna had been fast asleep and Adriel was in the moment of doing so.

"Something's coming. Something worse than rogues." Michael said as he began to walk backwards. "Roman, Tyler, Lester. Take the girls to the cells—stay on high alert and inform me if anything happens."

The wolves barked in reply and the guys ran off to the open field.

"'Something worse than rogues'?" Yvanna asked as she looked over at the girls. She bit on her lower lip in worry. Did Stacey—Marianne team up with more hunters? "What do you think?"

"I don't know, Yvanna. I have this really bad feeling. . ." Diana trailed off as she held Arnelle closer to her.

'We can't leave her out in the open anymore, Diana.' Alexander had told her last night. 'The wrong person may take advantage of her. . . I can't allow myself to let that happen.'

The Story That Followed AfterWhere stories live. Discover now