« 23. The Story That Followed After »

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Dominic crossed his arms over his chest and sat back on his chair, fighting the urge to yawn.

"Now, Confucius thought that family was important to one so..."

Dominic shut his eyes quickly, then reopened them and blinked a couple of times.

He was so bored. And it didn't help that he was stuck in his least favorite subject at the moment: Global.

The fact that his two best friends were homeschooled while he was here was also a downsize. But, his father told him that he had to go to school for recognition, due to his future spot as Alpha. Which is the reason why Pretty Boy went to school, and also AJ. His sister and Adrianna went because their mothers had told them to.

Because his uncle didn't want Arnelle exposed too much, he kept her homeschooled. And Zachary was with her because... Well, because he was half vampire, so he couldn't really stay out too much.

I bet they're having a blast right now, those traitors. He thought to himself with a small frown.

"Dominic, do I make you angry?"

Suddenly, he was pulled out of his thoughts and he looked at his teacher in question. Some students had been looking back at him, amused, while a small handful were dozing off.

"Huh?" He let out, causing for many of them to laugh at his response.

Ms. Peters laughed, also. "You have such a deep scowl that I had to stop class."

"Oh." He answered with. Then he sat up straight and shook his head. "No, you don't make me angry, Ms. Peters. I'm just tired of..."

He looked to the side and lightly hit the desk of his napping neighbor, who jolted awake since it was a very loud sound.

"Nappers." He finished off as he sat back. "Global is very important to me, and I know it's important for you, too. So everybody's attention should be on the teacher."

At that moment, wolves and humans turned to look straight forward. Even the dozers had been awake and paying attention to their teacher.

Ms. Peters blinked in surprise and cleared her throat. "Why, thank you, Dominic. I really appreciate that."

She turned to continue her teaching and Dominic sat back on his chair.

Yeah. Being future Alpha definitely had it's advantages.



He stopped walking in the hallway and turned around to see a girl with short black hair and dark brown eyes. Her tank top had been tight on her and her breasts had kept on bouncing as she ran.

He brought his eyes up to hers right after.

'I'm watching you, everywhere you go.' His mother had told him one time when she caught him ogling some of the girls in the pack house. 'If I see you looking at a girls boobs, or ass, for more than five seconds, I will bury you cross-eyed.'

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