[2]: The Who-Are-The-Bad-Boys Show With Grace Stewards

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Mama told me not to waste my life,
She said spread your wings my little butterfly

~Wings | Little Mix

[2]: The Who-Are-The-Bad-Boys Show With Grace Stewards

FOR SOMEONE NOT REALLY INTERESTED in gossips, I actually know a few things about Seth Deavon from what I've heard around the school.

One is that he's the bad boy of the school along with his other four friends (which are his bestfriends and only friends in school, believe me or not)一the Bad Boys of Woodlane Academy.

Two, he's actually a pretty good singer (he's in my Music class). Last year, we were both on top of the list of Freshmen Year's Top Ten Best Singers. Yet we never got to sing together (much to my relief or I'll end up with my mouth not working and just stare at something random which would cause me humiliation). Three, I heard that he and his bestfriends probably live in the Detention Room.

And of course, he was gorgeous.

He had that disheveled silky dark brown hair, auburn eyes, perfect nose and eyebrows一and not to mention how well built his body was一and I tell you, it was carved out of perfection. He had a faint tan and some Spaniard's features.

"Sit down, Seth." I heard Headmistress Brown say. That's when I realized that I was staring. I quickly averted my gaze on my fingers who wouldn't stop shaking.

Seth took the other seat opposite mine and I had to fight the urge to let my eyes land on him一which is hard because my chair was placed sideways infront of Headmistress' table so that means when I sit straight and face what is infront of me, I'll see Seth so I had to twist my body to face Headmistress Brown.

Headmistress Brown got all comfy on her chair again. "Okay, so the two of you probably do not know each other from what Seth has told me. In the LTS, you will need each other and I strongly recommend that you should get to know each other. Trust should be present between the two of you and you should be confident and credence with each other. Again, in the seminar, you will need each other's help because it's one of the values a true leader must possess一helpfulness toward other people and we will start with your fellow leaders-in-training, especially with the person you are with. Now, the LTS will start on the twenty-first of October and today is the seventeenth一which means you have four days to get to know each other."

"So in other words, you want us to be friends." Seth said, summing up Headmistress Brown's a hell of a speech.

I restrained myself from snorting.

"Yes. And you need to trust each other." Headmistress Brown replied.

Seth shrugged and leaned back on his chair and Headmistress Brown checked her watch.

"Well, Thea, you can now go and have early lunch." She said then turned toward Seth. "As for you, Seth, we still have something to talk about."

Headmistress Brown turned to me again and I gave her a polite nod, stood up and exited the room.

Seth's P.O.V.

Well, well, well, perfect little Thea Hartens gets to be my partner.

"Seth, I know you have potential and I don't want it to be a waste." Headmistress, or my aunt, said.

"You flatter me, Aunt Christine," I said.

Her lips twitched into a smile as she rolled her eyes. "Seth, take this seriously. A guy like you has the ability to lead others. And as a person close to you, I know. But Seth, you need someone to help you一someone like Thea."

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