[48]: Winter Bonanza

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[48]: Winter Bonanza

SETH'S JAW DROPPED OPEN AT first sight of the dance hall. He was stuck at the door as he took in the transformation. A giggle escaped me as I looked at his face. "Holy shit, this is amazing," he breathed out.

"Thank you Seth," I said as I started my last run-through of the place to make sure nothing goes wrong tonight.

"God, Thea I'm so proud of you," he said and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, careful not to ruin my hair. He pressed a kiss on the side of my forehead and I put my hands over his. "We have some audience here," I reminded him as I glanced towards some of the committee members who had been already here to help making final touches. They gave a smile, some a small chuckle, as they continued to do whatever they were doing.

"I'll put you on door duty, okay? You'll help Jamie collect the tickets," I said to Seth as I tried to pry his arms away from him.

"Why can't she do it herself?" He asked.

"Oh come on Seth, all you have to do is give a small smile to everyone who's about to go in and wish them to enjoy the night. That's all," I explained.

"One dance before I go," he said.

"You'll be just outside the door, not halfway around the world."

"Come on, one dance," he repeated, in a tone which clearly said 'I-won't-take-no-for-an-answer'.

"Fine," I huffed, turning around to face him. We danced against the faint slow music in the background and after a few sways, he twirled me around. "See you later, beautiful."

"Your speech," I reminded, before he could walk away.

He rolled his eyes at me and with a grin, he walked towards the door and went out. And through the heavily tinted glass, I could see him sit down on one of the desk for him and Jamie.

I decided to go to the Back Room which was located behind the stage and went on to check the food.

"Thea? Wow you look amazing!" Jamie greeted as she made her way towards me.

"Same to you!" I exclaimed as we welcomed each other with a hug. And she really did look good, her hair done in a stylish, elegant updo and her make up made her features stand out more.

"I'm so excited!" She squealed. "So far, everything's set and we're ready. Oh my gosh, I can't believe we did a really good job with the dance!"

"I know!" I replied, equally as excited as her. "Thank you so much Jamie, if it wasn't for you and the student council, I don't think I could finish all preparations on time."

"You're always welcome," she replied. "Come on, let's do a taste test on the food. Let's check if the food has poison and if it has, at least we'll die as heroes."


Thankfully, there was no poison in the food. Because if it had, I wouldn't be standing here in the podium upstage, finishing my speech.

"Also, I thank each and everyone of you for coming tonight. Your money will really help the community Seth and I went to during the LTS. And so, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Woodlane Academy, for giving me a chance to attend the seminar. I have met many amazing people and learned a lot of new things with them. And of course, to Seth Deavon--I'm sorry if I had no idea you'd turn out to be a good person, although you could be an annoying brat from time to time," the students laughed and I paused until they finished. I looked at Seth and he rolled his eyes at me but nonetheless, a big grin was on his face.

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