5.8 -- "You're stuck with me"

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"LUCCAAAASSS LUCASSSS IS HOMMEEE!!!" Andrew and Liz harmonized together.

"What the fuck, stop singing"

"Look, yes you can have your party here," Luke raised one eyebrow, "on one condition, keep it CLEAN! When we come back home, I don't want to see bloody condoms, lace panties, solo cups, broken glass and I definitely don't want it smelling like weed, cocaine, nicotine or alcohol!" Liz lectured.

Luke rolled his tongue on the side of his mouth, "whatever"

"I think we're too soft on you, we should be more strict like Joy and David are on Calum!" Liz crossed her arms huffing.

"OH PLEASE! They're more lenient than us with their kids!!! At least we don't ship our kids together as much a Joy does!!" Andrew added while clicking his teeth.

"No ones worse than Joy, she's crazy when it comes to cake..."

"I'll give you that, she's the biggest cake shipper"


"I'm standing right here", Luke rolled his eyes.

"Too bad, you should be used to it. If Joy doesn't see cake babies soon, someone will die", Andrew snapped.

"Shut the fuck up" Luke dropped his bag and went out the house slamming the door.


"A PARTY???!!" Calum squealed.

"You know how you are at parties, you're not coming"


"No, Calum, you're too innocent"

"PLEASE! I know what daddy means now and I read smut, and I...I pushed an old lady down the stairs-she was walking to slow"

"You pushed an old lady down the stairs?"


"Are you lying to me, Cal?"


"Exactly. I don't trust you to come to this party"

"FUCK YOU" Calum crossed his arms pouting.

"Here we go--stop whining Cal! You're not a baby"

"I want to go with you!"

"No, and I won't say it again"

Calum huffed and cuddled on the bed throwing the sheets over his body and head.

"No goodbyes kiss or hug?"

"Leave me alone, I hate you"

"Okay, bye"

Luke left his apartment and got in the elevator; he heard his name and saw Calum rushing to him. He jumped in his arms and Luke hugged him back smiling. The elevator closed and Calum got off of Luke, "oops, oh well, looks like I'm forced to come"

"You can go back up"

"NO! I'm going to wonder off, then I'll get snatched and then I'll be raped, then I'll be killed!"

"None of those things would happen to you--I'm always with you"

"You're leaving me!"

"Calum, I'm going to be late for my own party"

"You're hosting it? LET ME COMEEEE"

"No! Bye" He gave him a quick kiss and went into the car garage.


Calum plugged his phone into his speaker and he hit shuffle.

Golden honey drippin' from this house,

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